A teacher once told my mother, "Your daughter will either be famous or infamous." I hope you enjoy reading my blog. The pictures, posts, and drama are all real.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Also want to wish you all a happy 2008!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Over 1,000 people served...
My New Year's resolution, by the way, is to blog more, complain less! ha/ha
Shhhhh Don't Tell!!!
Meeting "The Man"
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!
As usual, I worked Thanksgiving and the day after. Nothing spectacular going on unless you count the guy shot in the nipple by his best friend after a beer brawl. That happened Thanksgiving night. He's going to live but I feel sorry for the Med-Flight crew that had to work on him. One of the paramedics told me he stunk of alcohol so badly it was making them sick to stabalize him. ha/ha Ladies and gentlemen, morons like that is the reason I get a pay check every 2 weeks.
I spent the weekend with my family enjoying some post turkey day treats. Mom had one more spread on the dining room table. Everything from turkey and boston butt to mashed potatoes, corn and sweets. Very delicious!! My brother, sister-in-law,nephew and myself played "Rook" and "UNO" for hours. It was soooo much fun!! Afterwards, I went to Kristen's house to visit and watch the Iron Bowl. That game stunk!!! Of course Bama lost. Shocker (not)! I had a great time visiting with my oldest and dearest best friend in the world!
Christmas time is nearing and I have bought NOTHING!! I know what I am going to buy at least 2 members of my family but that's it. Will I get anything accomplished in the shopping field this weekend? Probably not. I don't enjoy the crowds and I have a baby shower to attend Saturday.
December promises to be a very busy month. Mom and I are going to Tennessee the 7th for the "Freed Hardeman Benefit Dinner" featuring Tom Brokaw as guest speaker. I am SOOOOO excited! He's a favorite anchor personality of mine. The 8th is our WAFF-48 Christmas Party which promises good times! My sister-in-law's annual Christmas Cookie Swap is the 9th. Also scheduled for the month, a surprise for my grandmother the weekend of the 16th and the usual Gentle cousin's Christmas.
Speaking of surprise, my brother and I put together and printed a cookbook for my grandmother as a surprise for Christmas. The project turned out super professional. My hats off to Allied Photo in Huntsville for doing such a fantastic job printing and laminating the cover. It's over 200 pages of stories, recipes and family memories. I am really, really happy with the end product.
I'm still working that crazy split schedule and loving it! I like the fact that I have free time on Monday and Tuesday to run errunds. Really makes a difference when I need to get things done.
I promise to do a better job posting to this site. Hope you all had a terrific holiday!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Back to the blog...
Roll Tide! Bama won today!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Seaside, Florida

Here is a snap shot from my recent trip to Seaside, Florida. I went with a fantastic group of ladies from Mayfair Church of Christ. My friend Emily, pictured front wearing the black tank top, invited to me go with them. We really had a good time! The food was delicious, the weather warm. The ocean was crystal clear and the sand perfect for walking across barefoot.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Has it really been that long?
Let me start with work. That's always a great way to realize just how much you look forward to the day you can retire!!! I'm 33 years old and anxiously await the day I turn 65. Is something wrong with that picture?? Uh yeh!!!! My schedule officially got changed yesterday. So did everybody else with the exception of those who work in bureaus. I've worked the same "dayside" schedule for years. Suddenly, I'm going to a split shift. So instead of Monday-Friday 9a-6p (more like 6:30) I am now Monday and Tuesday 2p-10p. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9a-6p. I would love to say I'm thrilled but I'm not. I don't hate it either. I get a longer weekend but nightside screws with my routine of watching Jay Leno's headlines on Monday.
I leave for the beach next Thursday! I cannot wait to leave North Alabama behind for a few days. I need a break before I "break." I hope the weather is as gorgeous in Destin as it has been here in Huntsville. Clear blue skies, cool mornings, warm afternoons.
I promise to blog more before I leave for my trip! will post pics soon 2.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Got some MAJOR catching up to do...
Speaking of Emily, congratulations on your pregnancy. Emily will find out if her baby is a boy or girl soon. We are leaving for the beach the last week of September. She'll know by then. I'm so excited for her. She and Jason are going to make wonderful parents!
Also, congrats to Holly and her husband, also named Jason. They are expecting a girl in a few months. They already have a beautiful little boy, Chase. Holly and i graduated high school together. I hope to get in a visit with her while I'm at the beach.
One more pregnancy to mention. A friend of mine from college, also named Emily is expecting. Haven't heard yet if its a boy or girl. She and her husband, Clayton, have a boy that is sooo cute! I wish all of you proud momma's the best!
Not much new to mention with me. The drama from my last post has calmed down considerably!!!! Very good thing b/c I was getting sick of it.
I'm moving to Huntsville Friday. I'm excited but a little worried. I'm leaving a 2 story townhouse for a one bedroom apartment. The square footage isn't nearly as big and the rent is high. Its in a new complex, gated community with a lot of ammenities. Its just where am I going to put all this stuff? A lot of it is back home with mom and dad (I owe them a shout out for housing it for me). I'll just have to be tidy and neat now instead of the usual. Uh yeh! It will all work out.
Did you hear about Mary Winkler? Bet she eats a nice meal tonight when she gets out of the crazy house. Matthew can't enjoy his favorite foods. There's something for you to chew on (no pun intended).
Ok. I've got to pack some or 2 Men and A Truck are going to turn around and leave me stranded!
Miss you all and hope everyone is healthy, wealthy and wise!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tainted greens...
Transitioning back to Huntsville has really kept me busy. We are short handed so I am the only day side reporter. Not only am I having to turn 2 stories a day, I also have to catch breaking news and work on my new franchice, Restaurant Scorecard, which airs Thursday (and I have not started writing the script yet). I am really happy being back in the Rocket City. I was afraid I wouldn't like sitting in the newsroom, under the watchful eye of management. It really isn't bad. We have a lot of laughs in the back of the room and all of us get along quiet well. Of course, we have disagreements and even a few screaming matches from time-to-time. Nothing that can't work itself out. Leaving Decatur was such a good move for me. I was so burned out working in the bureau. This has given me a change of scenery and I'm glad I chose this path. Of course, I miss my contacts and I miss my old photographer (no body shoots video like Juergen).
I am proud to report no problems with kidney stones since my surgery. I'm doing really well and hope it stays that way!
I will be posting phase 2 of the "Fat Smash Diet" as soon as I get the book out of my bag :) This really is a healthy way to shed unwanted pounds.
Its getting stormy outside and its bed time. I'm logging off for now but promise to write more soon!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Since I was sick, the "Fat Smash Diet" got put on hold. That's ok. I lost weight anyway. I couldn't hold anything but popcicles and milkshakes down and when I got to feeling better I didn't have an appetite. In all, I've dropped 13 pounds. Tomorrow, its back to "healthy eating."
Hope everyone had a good weekend and got lots of rest!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Lighter and lighter...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Winkler Sentencing...
Sentencing was so much more emotional than the trial. If the prosecution had handled the case earlier like they did sentencing, the outcome may have been far different. Matthew's brother, Daniel took the stand and spoke for the first time. I thought he did such a good job talking about his brother's character, good name and the way he cared for his family. He made several bold comments to Mary as he spoke. Her facial expression never changed. Aren't we used to seeing that? Nothing new.
Perhaps, Diane Winkler made the biggest impact, though her testimony didn't do much to sway the judge's decision. I cried the entire time she was on the stand. Her words came from the heart of a woman torn between anger, saddness, confusion, etc. I can't imagine what life has been like for this mother the past year. Her life turned upside down by one person's decision that has changed so many lives.
I do not believe Mary's punishment fit the crime. Regardless of what "she" says happened, Matthew never got a chance to tell his side of the story. We only heard from Mary. She had no right to take the law into her own hands. She had no right to shoot her husband in the back while he lay sleeping. She had no right to take away her children's father. She should have been found guilty of murder and sentenced to the maximum. I don't believe she should have spent the rest of her life behind bars but I do believe she deserved at least 20 years to think about what she did.
Now her attorney's are wanting a new trial. Why? Who knows! She is lucky the punishment wasn't much worse. Take what you can get and be happy with it. Isn't she basically walking away a free woman? She got away with murder didn't she? Why drag this family through anything else because selfish motives have gotten in the way.
I feel so sorry for Mary's children. The only normal life they've had the last year is about to be taken away from them. Mary wants those girls back and most likely the judge will see to it they are returned to her. Dan and Diane will probably never see them again. Can you imagine what kind of life these little girls face? Pray the courts make the right decision.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
"All you can eat" doesn't really mean what you think
Saturday was my brother's birthday. My sister-in-law ordered 3 pounds of smoked chicken with white sauce, pork, slaw, baked beans from "Pig Stand BBQ" in Hartselle. Oh my! How yummy! We also had potato chips, cake and homemade ice cream. I already planned to blow my diet and eat just what I wanted. That way, my metabolism would get a needed boost. Boy did I eat! Chicken. Pork. Slaw. Chips. 3 glasses of tea. Bite of cake. 2 cups of ice cream. About an hour later, I was in the bathroom sick! When I weighed this morning, I gained 1/2 pound. Was it worth it? You better believe it! :)
I got up this morning, fixed a cup of oatmeal with peaches. For lunch, I fixed chicken and rice. I measured out a 1/2 cup and ate that with 1/2 of a tomato. I also had a blueberry smoothie. It was really good.
For a few days, I will stick to phase 1 just so I can drop a few extra pounds. I can really tell a difference in my weight. So can everyone else! I'm really proud of myself for sticking to it for 12 days. One day off the wagon didn't hurt much and I jumped right back on today. Remember, we are all just human and we deserve a break now and then.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
8 pounds lighter and loving it!
I will blog more about my results later today. I've got to head out to Madison.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Day 5, 6, 7
I'm on my 7th day. Sunday, I started feeling really bad. No wonder. I checked my blood pressure. It was 93/56. No matter what I did, I couldn't get it back up. My mother suggested I eat salt (which I had cut from my diet). After a teaspoon full, I started feeling better. I can tell its down again because I feel weak and strung out. I know now why I've lost so much fluid. Salt makes you retain water so without it, you lose weight. Speaking of which, I'm down 4 1/2 pounds.
My diet is still basically the same, though I will admit I'm looking forward to phase 2. I hope to start it Friday.
Hope all is well. Will blog more about this later.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Day 4...
After work last night, I ate my usual tomato egg combo. Then, I went for a late walk. Felt good to stretch my legs. For a snack, I mixed the last cup of my daily skim milk with a few cubes of frozen peach smoothie. So refreshing and light!
This is the first day I've experienced true hunger pangs. I know why. I was late eating lunch. I didn't sit down at my desk until 2:30 this afternoon. The last snack I had was around 11. It was an apple. My lunch time is never the same. Quiet possibly, its going to become even more erratic now that I'm leaving the quiet comfort of my office in Decatur for the bright lights of Huntsville.
Tomorrow, my promotion kicks in and I start back to work in Huntsville. I'm very excited and hope the transition is a smooth one! I will miss the people in Morgan, Limestone, and Lawrence County. I will miss the people I'm closest too but sometimes change is best! I will continue to blog about work and try to throw in some interesting snapshots. Hopefully, I'll have a personal life to blog about too :)
More later...
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Day 3...
This diet is sooo much better and healthier than Atkins or South Beach, both of which I have been on in the past. Those diets are so restrictive no wonder people "fall off the wagon." For example, no fruit, no milk, no rice, no yogurt, no oatmel. Just meat, cheese, eggs and salad. That can't be healthy. On this diet, you get carbs loaded with fiber which is good for energy and helps fill you up. You can eat an unlimited amount of fruits and veggies. Plus, you get a snack between each meal. Basically, you are eating all day. Nothing wrong with that! :)
Last night, I mixed peaches and pineapple with skim milk and ice for a top notch smoothie. I love homemade peach ice cream. This was even better and no guilt!! I also had tomatoes, egg whites the rest of my mandatory brown rice. I was so full!! Maybe a little too full. You still have to watch portion size. I admit, I didn't get my exercise in. Shame on me!
*Rice tip: A lot of people don't like whole grain brown rice. I love it! I like it even better cold. It has more taste than hot rice. The only seasoning I put on mine is fresh ground black pepper. Try it. Really, really good. If you still think its tasteless, mix in a Tablespoon of light ranch dressing. REMEMBER YOU CAN ONLY HAVE 3 TABLESPOONS A DAY. USE IT WISELY!
If you don't like ranch...try this delicious light dressing. Remember, the same rules apply.
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/4 cup olive oil (extra light)
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
1/8 teaspoon salt
Combine mustard, oil, and lemon juice in a small bowl. Whisk. Add pepper and salt and whisk again. Chill.
*Smoothie tip: I only drink a cup of smoothie. I make enough for 2. The other cup I pour into an ice cube tray, cover with plastic wrap and put in the freezer. When I'm ready for another smoothie, I pop the cubes out and put them in the blender with milk. Good way to make ahead and save money. Plus you get your skim or low-fat milk allowance for the day.
This morning, I ate a bowl of oatmeal with fresh peaches cut up in it. Yum! I brought an apple for my snack. I also packed my lunch. I mixed lettuce, tomatoes, 3 Tablespoons dressing, and a cup of brown rice together for a healthy crisp salad. For a snack, I had a blueberry yogurt. Yum!
Ok. I know it sounds like I eat the same thing everyday. Basically, I do. But I like it. I have to get in a certain amount of rice, oatmeal, and milk, Planning out my menu helps me make it to my goal. The 9 day detox is slightly limiting so you have to make the best. So far, so good.
Hope to hear others of you who are thinking about trying this "healthy eating plan." If you've had success on other diets, be sure to let me know!
*Food desire of the day: roasted peanuts
You may have noticed a food temptation or desire at the bottom of each day. Hey, I'm only human. No matter how much indulgence I did before Monday, some favorite foods I still miss :) That doesn't mean I'm willing to cheat!
More later...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Day 2...
For breakfast this morning, I had a cup of oatmeal with bananas and strawberries cut up. I had a cup of yogurt for a snack. I have an apple in my bag. I'll eat it on the way to Athens.
Lunch can be tricky. That is my favorite meal of the day. I brought my lunch yesterday but didn't pack it today. I may have a small salad later or go home and fix a smoothie.
*UPDATE* I did go home for about 30 minutes. I cut up some lettuce and a ripe red tomato, added fresh ground pepper and poured 3 Tablespoons of light homemade ranch dressing over the top. I also added part of the brown rice I'm supposed to consume each day. Very yummy and satisfying. According to the book, you are limited to 3 T. of light dressing. I mixed a packet of Hidden Valley Ranch Buttermilk Dressing with light mayo and non-fat buttermilk (keep this on hand). I measured it out so I wouldn't go overboard. So light and refreshing.
Supper may go something like this. A cut up tomato, left over cold rice, fresh mushrooms, boiled egg whites (you have to eat 4 a day) a fruit smoothie for desert. Filling and easy to make :)
In all, this is not a bad diet. I like the food. You will certainly lose a lot of fluid the first day, which is a good thing. For those who love meat, the first 9 days can be challenging.
Today's food craving: BBQ
Monday, May 28, 2007
Day 1...
*Side note: I've been bitten by fire ants before but it is quiet possible that I am allergic to them. My right foot is swollen and red. I can't keep my foot in my shoe because it is growing by the minute. I'll take a benadryl when i get home. If I take it now, I will fall asleep before news time :)
I dusted off my scales and weighed this morning. Just what I thought. The scales registered at 1** pounds. Ok you didn't really think I would tell you?!?!?! My goal is to lose 27 pounds. That will put me back where I was a few years ago. A happy weight I can live with. One, I hope will have smashing results on the men :)
Day 1...Breakfast was kind of shot on the ant dilemma. I got enough in my stomach that I will be ok. I had an apple on the way in. I ate "fried" rice (yum) for lunch. Blueberry yogurt was my 2nd snack. I'm planning on a delicious fruit smoothie for supper. I have to get a second yogurt in for the day and I have not had my 2 cups of low-fat milk or enough fruit. That will work perfectly. My exercise for the day will be a lot of house cleaning tonight.
Hey, I know it's not a slab of juicy ribs, potato salad and homemade ice cream with M & M's on top but the food is good. Besides I ate all my favorite dishes last week so I wouldn't have any cravings through this 9 day detox. So far, so good!
Have a happy day!
Friday, May 25, 2007
More to love than what it needs to be...
My testimonial....I don't eat right. I skip breakfast. Eat a big lunch. Then have a not-so-healthy snack (sometimes several) for supper. Ok. You are thinking "she's saving a lot of calories so why is she not thinner." It's a bad idea to skip as many meals as I do. According to the book, you need to eat 4-5 meals a day. That's breakfast, followed by a snack. Lunch followed by a snack. Dinner. On this diet, you have to eat! You also have to exercise. Arrggggg.
I've always had success with low-carb until recently. Not sure why that changed. Maybe my metabolism is a little out of wack. Maybe it's because I'm 33 years old. Maybe it's genetics. Maybe my stroke plays a role. Who knows.
Monday, I will begin phase 1, the detox stage. May the force be with me!
I thought I would share some of the food/drinks that are allowed in the first stage:
* All fruits in any quantity
* All vegetables in any quantity, except:
NO white potatoes
NO avocados
* Good sources of protein:
chickpeas (yum)
tofu (yuck)
* Brown rice -- 2 cups of cooked rice per day (yeah!)
* 2 cups of low-fat or skim or soy milk per day
* As much water as you like! (boring)
* Oatmeal - 1 cup per day
* All herbs and spices
* 6 oz. low-fat yogurt (2 times a day)
* 4 egg whites per day
* 2 cups of herbal tea per day
Foods are ONLY to be eaten raw, grilled or steamed. Limit the olive oil and low-fat dressing.
Ok. Sounds blan but I like this kind of food. I really like fruit but I have to monitor my sugar. Here are a few suggestions for naturally low-sugar fruits.
Blueberries 3/4 cup = 11 grams
cantelope 1 cup = 12 grams
pear halves 1/2 cup = 12 grams (canned in water)
cranberries 1/2 cup = 2 grams
grapefruit 1/2 large = 12 grams
kiwi 1 med. = 8 grams
peach 1 med. = 9 grams
pear 1 med. = 11 grams
plumb 2 small = 11 grams
strawberries 1 cup = 7 grams
watermelon 1 cup = 10 grams
Again, I will be blogging my progress and some yummy Fat Smash recipes. Feel free to join in. If you are already watching what you are eating, congratulations! A healthy lifestyle is good for all of us!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Fat Smash Diet...
Stay tuned for a slimmer trimmer version of me!
Memorial Day...
I appreciate the feedback on my high gas price post. I decided to keep the "rant" down because its not just something affecting me but the entire country. John and Lydia you made some good points in your posts. Thanks for the intelligent comments.
Many of you have asked what happened to my Mary Winkler opinion post. I pulled it after several hate filled comments. This is not a blog set up for people to blast others. I appreciate feedback but keep it clean! I do plan to repost after sentencing.
Hope all of you have a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
One big rip off!
Winkler Sentencing...
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Photos from Selmer...
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Opinion posted...
Friday, May 04, 2007
A new opportunity...
I will keep you posted!
More later...
Monday, April 30, 2007
Just when you think its over...
Today we learned that the sentencing hearing for Mary has been rescheduled due to an attorney conflict. The date was originally set for May 18th.
Also, attorney's for Mary Winkler are filing a motion to keep her from serving any more time behind bars.
Winkler's lawyers are asking for a "judicial diversion." That means the judge would wipe her record clean and sentence her to probation only.
Earlier this month, a jury convicted Winkler of voluntary manslaughter in the shooting death of her husband, Matthew. She faces between 3 and 6 years in prison
The parents of Matthew Winkler have filed a petition to terminate Mary Winkler's parental rights and to adopt the children of Matthew and Mary.
I'll post more as this story develops. Also, my opinion is still in draft form. I"ll be launching it soon!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Winkler Verdict.. opinion still in the works
I have been asked to interview for the Oxygen series "Snapped." This will be my first sit-down talk since the Winkler case began. I will be discussing the case and the media interest surrounding it. Of course, I will not be giving my opinion on the verdict. The segment will air sometime in October or November. I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Thank you...
At the end of the day, Matthew's family came out and read a written statement to a sea of cameras. Dan Winkler, perhaps the most kind and humble speaker, talked briefly thanking everyone involved in the case for their hard work. He thanked the jury and thanked God for being their "rock and our shield" during the trial. He also comment that they will treasure the memory that Matthew had for his family, his church and his Lord.
Mary's attorney's talked mainly about the case but also wanted to express their sympathy to the Winkler's.
I need a break from this trial coverage. I will be leaving Corinth, Mississippi tomorrow morning for a weekend of well deserved rest. I'm going to visit my parents and unwind. I will give you my opinion on this case soon. Stay tuned to read my unofficial ramblings.
Guilty...Voluntary Manslaughter
The Winklers were obviously upset but humble. They made a brief statement to the media asking us to respect the privacy of the family and the couple's 3 daughters. They wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and concerns. They ask that you continue to pray for everyone concerned.
Mary's facial expression never changed. She was like stone while the judge read her punishment. The Winkler's made no obvious outbursts. It was quiet as a mouse in the courtroom, even after the verdict was read.
Mary will be sentenced May 18 at 9 am.
More later...
Nothing yet...
Remember, you can watch the verdict live by logging on to waff.com. We are streaming the entire trial and jury process as it goes.
More later...
We wait...
Mary left shortly after the case was handed over. She is staying at a friend's house here in Selmer. The Winkler family left as well. We do not know where the are staying until a verdict is reached.
I'll continue blogging the proceedings. Check back later for a verdict.
Also, when this is "all said and done" I will give you my take on the case, Mary's testimony, and whether or not I agree with the verdict this jury hands down.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Is she or isn't she?

More Mary...
Mary told jurors her husband, Matthew was a smart and talented man, but could also be mean in both his actions and words.
Prosecutors paint a very different picture of the Church of Christ minster, with witnesses describing Matthew as a good father and husband.
Mary testified this morning that Matthew kicked her in the face during an arguement. She also says he hit her in the face, pushed her down and hit her with a belt.
Mary also told jurors Matthew kept her away from her family and criticized her appearance. She also eluded to sexual abuse while on the stand.
Currently, prosecutors are cross examining Mary.
Here we go again...
Mary is back on the stand. The jury is being seated. Her attorney, Steve Farese is getting ready to question his client. Mary sits with her head bowed and her hands covering her eyes. Mr. Farese just told her it's ok to hold her head up while testifiying. He's handed Mary another piece of evidence to examine. It's a document containing photographs. She is thumbing through the photos. Mary says she's seen the pictures before at their home. The pictures were on the couple's computer and that Matthew was constantly on the internet. When Mary would walk in the room, he would click the screen blank, as to hide whatever it was he was viewing. Now Mr. Farese is showing Mary a photo. Their are shoes in the photo similar to the "hooker shoes" brought into evidence this morning.
The judge has called the attorney's to the stand. Mary is thumbing through the photographs again. She just testified to the images found on Matthew's home computer. The "hooker shoe" and wig from earlier are now entered into evidence. The photos were given to the jury to view.
Keep in mind, this is Mary's testimony. Matthew is dead so he can't speak for himself.
Graphic testimony from Mary Winkler...
So far, Mary's testified to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. She told jurors she demanded a divorce from Matthew but that he put his foot down and said no. Her attorney brought out a Wal-Mart bag containing evidence. The bag contained a pair of 3" heels, the type you might see strippers wearing and a brown wig. Winkler's testimony is that Matthew liked for her to dress in a provocative manner for sexual purposes. She also testified that Matthew forced her to watch pornographic images on their home computer. Winkler also told the court that her marriage has been in trouble from the very beginning and only got worse through the years.
Her father and adopted siblings are in the courtroom. They were crying as they listened to Mary's story. Matthew's parents, grandmothers and brother are on the other side of the courtroom. They have sat quietly through this morning's testimony.
The court is in a 10 minute recess. I will post more soon.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Today's testimony...
Don't forget our neighbors in Virginia. They are going through a terrible time right now.
I'll post more as the day goes on.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Not a dry eye in the place...
Patricia testified that she heard a loud boom the morning her dad died. She went to her parent's bedroom and found Matthew, face down on the floor. He was still alive. Mary left town with the children. When she was arrested the next day, she turned custody over to Matthew's parents. The girls are still with them today. Mary's attorney's claim the Winkler's won't let the girls visit Mary. Diane Winkler testified today the girls don't want to see her. Isn't it sad what one mistake has done to shatter so many lives?
The prosecution finished calling its witnesses today. The defense will start their testimony tomorrow.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Quick notes concerning trial coverage...
I'll be able to use my lap top to blog tomorrow. Our sat truck operator, Mark, is bringing a wireless internet card. That should help speed things along a bit. Be sure to check back for the latest.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Not your typical Saturday...
Testimony moved at a good pace this morning. 4 people took the stand before lunch. 3 bank tellers testified that Mary was in financial trouble and that the bank had caught her trying to deposit bad checks. Prosecutors say the Winkler's bank account at Regions in Selmer was overdrawn by $5,000, and that bank employees called Mary several times in the days before Matthew's death. Prosecutors have said Mary was caught up in a swindle knows as the "Nigerian scam." Defense argues the Winkler's were in on the scam together.
I reported Friday the Winkler's oldest daughter Patricia was expected to be called to the stand today. We have been told that won't happen until sometime next week.
Security at the courthouse has been tightened. Someone called in a threat against Winkler. That's something to expect in cases like this.
The courtroom is packed with people today. The Winkler family, with the exception of Matthew's mother and children are present. Several friends of Mary's are sitting on the other side of the courtroom. Her father is not here. He could possibly be called to testify. If that's the case, he won't be allowed in the courtroom until after his testimony.
Expected to take the stand later today, 2 more finacial guru's and an expert in firearms.
More later...
Friday, April 13, 2007
The Mary Winkler Trial...Thursday and Friday
Today, was a long, long day of the same testimony over and over and over again. Alabama Bureau of Investigation agent Steve Stabler was on the stand for 6 1/2 hours. He is the person who interviewed Mary the night she was arrested. He taped the interview, which was played in court today. Mary admitted on tape that she shot Matthew. She says the couple was having domestic conflicts that finally reached a "boiling point." In her taped statement, Mary goes on to say that Matthew had threatened her. She had threatened him over the course of their marriage. She snapped. She also defends Matthew by saying she loved him dearly but he "nailed her in the ground." Never once in the nearly hour long interview did she ever ask police if Matthew was ok. Finally at the end, Stabler asked if she wanted to know about him. She began sobbing but didn't say anything. He told her Matthew was dead. She asked if he was at the funeral home.
Matthew's family was in court today. His father, grandmother, uncle, aunt, brother and sister-in-law. None of Mary's family was in court. Only the person she lives with, Kathy Tompson. Mary cried, really cried, for the first time since this ordeal began. She looks tired and stressed out. Her face is hard, her eyes filled with worry. If you look at her now compared to just a few short years ago, it seems like a completely different person. It's hard to not feel sorry for her. She felt their was no way out and for some reason did not want to leave him. Only Mary knows exactly what happened that morning.
Matthew and Mary's oldest daughter, Patricia, is expected to testify sometime tomorrow. She is the only witness to the crime. While she didn't see anything, she is old enough to know what happened to her daddy. That is the saddest part to this entire wasteful tragedy. The children are without a father and without a mother. In court Thursday, one of the attorney's mentioned that Patricia "hates her mother." The children have had very little contact with her since Matthew's death. They are in good hands with Dan and Diane Winkler. They are the only one's who might be able to help them through this. Mary knows that and told police she wanted them to take the children.
The defense argues Mary accidentally shot Matthew. Prosecutors say that's impossible. The defense is hinging there case on abuse, emotional and physical. Prosecutors don't buy it. They say she killed Matthew because she was caught in a check-kiting scam and didn't want Matthew to find out.
So many of you have made kind comments about my blogging of the trial. Thank you so much! This is a difficult situation. This is the first time I've ever covered a trial that I knew the person who is accused in the case. I try to be fair to both sides.
We will be leaving Saturday afternoon to head back home and wash clothes and rest. Lord willing, we will return on Sunday and start it all over for another week.
Have a safe weekend and I will post more tomorrow!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Day 1 of Mary Winkler's Trial...
The courtroom is packed with friends and family of Matthew and Mary Winkler. However, Matthew's parents are not in court. His brother Daniel, wife Holly, uncle Mike Winkler and Matthew's grandmother are here too. Mary's father Clark Freeman is sitting behind Mary in the courtroom. So is Kathy Thompson, a family friend who Mary is currently living with.
The judge is now seated at the bench. I will blog more once opening arguments begin.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Opening statements...
Those serving on the jury range in age from 20-65. They are from different religious backgrounds. None of the jurors are affiliated with the Church of Christ. 14 are white, 2 are black.
If you want to watch live video of the trial, Court TV will be carrying the trial. You can also watch streaming video on their website.
I'll post more tomorrow.
Day 2 and 3 combined...The Winkler Trial
Day 2 of jury selection gave us a little better idea into what Mary's defense will be in her first-degree murder trial. Here are some of the questions her attorney's asked a pool of some 160 potential jurors. "Is battered spouse syndrome a myth or a reality? Have you ever known anyone who suffered memory loss from a traumatic event?" They also asked about brainwashing tactics and why someone would stay in an abusive relationship. Mary's defense team is even suggestiong the shooting may have been accidental.
We were told late Tuesday afternoon that jury selection is moving at a good clip. Possibly by the end of today, a panel of 12 juoros with 4 alternates will be seated. Opening arguments could start as late as this afternoon but most likely Thursday morning.
So far, Mary hasn't said a word. Her facial expression is the same everyday. She comes prepared to court wearing a nice pants outfit. She carries a brief case over flowing with paper work in her right hand. Her wedding ring remains on her left finger. Incidentally, she is staying in Corinth, MS in the hotel next door to where we are staying. Yesterday, her attorney's took her to a restaraunt here in Selmer for lunch. They ate in the back with a curtain up around the table.
Today, its rainy and messy. Most all of the media has tents set up to keep equipment dry. We look like squatters :) Court TV ran the last of their cables into the courtroom. They will serve as the pool camera for all of the media outlets. That is the way we have been doing it from the very start. The courtroom itself is very small so only one tv camera is allowed. The judge is good to let the media have access to his courtroom. So long as we follow his rules, we shouldn't have any problems.
I've been asked by several television stations, including Court TV to do an interview since I went to college with Matt and Mary. I politely decline each offer. I don't feel its right for me to say anything about this case of Matt and Mary. I'm a journalist covering a murder trial. I try to keep my feelings and opinions to myself.
I will post more as the information becomes available. Check back often for updates.
Have a safe day everyone!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Hurry Up and WAIT!!!
After a good night's sleep, we left our hotel early and drove to Selmer (about 30 minutes away). This is picture I took from a monitor in our truck. It's a little blurry but you get the picture -- no pun intended. This is Mary Winkler and her attorneys, Steve Farese on the right and Leslie Ballin on the left.
Mary doesn't even look like the same person I went to college with. She has the most stone cold look on her face. The Mary I remember was a sweet girl, with a shy personality. She was always smiling and appeared to be a happy person. You can't see it in this picture, but she continues to wear her wedding band.
Matthew Winkler's murder has generated a lot of local and national publicity. This is a just a fraction of the media covering his widow's trial. The rest, like Court TV will set up tomorrow and stay until it is over. I always like mingling with other reporters and photographers from out of town. Most of them are cool and usually everyone works well together.
I snapped this photo of Juergen just before we went on the air at 5. You can't see me but I'm standing in front of the camera.
I hope we get to stay until the trial is over but it depends on the powers that be. if they choose to bring us home, not much we can do about it.
I'll be posting updates. Be patient. I've got a slow internet connection. Selmer, TN has very little coverage so cell phones and lap tops don't always work.
Be safe!
Friday, April 06, 2007
High on Lookout Mountain...
This is going to be a busy next few days for me. Saturday, my mother and daddy are coming to Athens. I'll be in Hartselle staying with my brother's 2 youngest children while they are in Nashville. Sunday, mom, dad and I will go out for lunch after church. Then, I'm leaving Sunday night headed to Corinth, MS. Monday morning, Mary Winkler's trial starts in Selmer. It's going to be a media circus, that is for sure! I'm hoping everything will wrap up in a few short days. It may take longer than that. I just hope we are home by the end of the week.
Can you believe all this chilly weather? Thankfully, my pepper and tomato plants are inside with the heat on. They are thriving quiet nicely! I hope to be making salsa by summer time.
Hope all of you are doing well! Have a great weekend!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Miscellaneous Ramblings...
I had to pick up something at Wal-Mart to stick my tomatoe plants. I rigged up two slender wooden dowles on either side of each plant and fastened them with zip ties. My plants are nice and straight now. They look really good. I haven't set them outside yet because the birds like to pick the blooms off. I don't want to have to posion them (the plants) either. They are sitting in the window in my upstairs bedroom. Hopefully, they are getting enough sun to help them continue growing.
Finally I see green!!! My pepper plants are sprouting. Before long, I should have jalapenos, bell peppers and banana peppers.
I'm off Monday and Tuesday. I am trying to get caught up with a project and I needed some time away from work before Mary Winkler's trial. I've got plans Easter weekend so she better get a move on it!!! I don't see the point in wasting tax dollars for a trial. She admitted she shot her husband then left with the girls. She's not eligiable for the death penalty or life without so what does she have to worry about? She'll probably sale her story and make millions. I wonder who Hollywood would get to play the part?
My grandmother is in Birmingham having some heart tests run. She's having a few problems with her aortic valve. I sure hope she gets a good report but I'm worried the doctors might find something worse. She's a trooper that's for sure. In all my years, I've never heard my grandmother complain once about not feeling well. She broke her leg once and set it herself and somehow managed to get back home from the barn. She's a very independent woman with a head like concrete. I've been told I have that same hard head :) I'll never be the woman that she is, but I hope I have a little of her gutsy ways in my blood.
Hope everyone had a good weekend! More later...
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thank's Uncle Sam...
Isn't the weather gorgeous?? I love the longer days and warm afternoons. I'm off Monday and Tuesday. I sure hope it stays just like this so I can enjoy some time outdoors.
I'm heading off to start my day. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Another beautiful day the Lord has made...
Get out and enjoy the day!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Aaaaaaaaaaa chew!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
"We Track Storms"
I took this photo at the Moulton Car Wash.
Kevin snapped this photo of me just as I am going on air to talk about the lack of bad weather where we were set up. ha ha
This is my camera guy, Juergen. He is sitting in the truck waiting for the "big one" to blow through. Yes, I'm being sarcastic.This is Kevin. He's a photog in Huntsville. He brought us a live truck and operated our video and reports for us. As you can see, we all get along just peachy.
Welcome to Brindlee Mountain...
This old concrete mixer greets visitors headed up Brindlee Mountain in Morgan County. We were coming back from Union Hill Elementary School and stopped to take a snap shot. I don't think I've ever seen something like this before. An interesting marketing concept don't you think?

Saturday, March 10, 2007
Catching up after a busy week...
My grandmother caught gardening fever so she had my dad break ground. I've got the bug too. Today I went to Wal-Mart and bought 2 handsome tomatoe plants. I know, last year's tomato project turned out to be a disaster. That's because the soil was bad. I hope these 2 do a lot better. I also potted jalapeno peppers, bell peppers and a mix of peppers. I use them to make fresh salsa. What's left I make homemade spaghetti sauce and freeze for the winter. I really wish I had a backyard that was grass not concrete so i could have more vegetables. Maybe that will happen soon.
Mom and dad came up this evening and we met in Moulton for supper. It was so good seeing them. Really made my day. My sweet daddy is over his kidney stones but now he's suffering with after affects from being put to sleep. He's going to the doctor Monday. I hope they find out what is causing him to cough and shake so badly. I don't like to see my parents sick. That's really hard for me to take. I love my mom and dad and want to keep them around forever.
Don't forget to spring forward. I'm so glad it will be light when I get off work. That means I can spend more time outdoors before bedtime.
Happy weekend ya'll. Enjoy while you can. Monday will be here shortly.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Quick update on family sick list...
I have pictures to post from Thursday's severe storms. No. We didn't have anything more than rain in North Alabama but we had a good time goofing the day away. I'll download those tonight. Its so sad what happened in Enterprise. I can't imagine going through a storm like that. Our sister station WSFA in Montgomery captured some tearful stories. Keep those people in your prayers.
Hope all is well!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Sleepless in Selmer...
My dad isn't feeling well at all. He's been sick the last week or so with kidney stones. Mom is taking him to the doctor tomorrow (he's been already and to the ER a few times) to see what can be done to give him some relief. She's packing him a bag just in case they put him in the hospital. I sure hope they let him go home to rest in his own bed. I've been so worried about him. My dad is never sick. Never misses work. The last few days, he's been flat of his back doped up on pain meds. I know he hurts. I got hit hard with kidney stones a few months ago. Bad, bad stuff. Dad, if you feel like reading this, I hope you feel better soon. I love you more than all the sand spread across every beach on earth and then some!
My GG (grandma) hasn't been feeling well either. She's got to wear a heart monitor for a few weeks. GG's never been sick either. She's tough as a horse. Even if she felt bad or broke a bone, she sure wouldn't tell us unless it was something really bad. GG I hope you feel better soon too. I love you bunches!
Also on the sick list, my brother's kids. They have snotty little noses. I hope they are better. I do have some good news. My mom no longer looks like a little Chinese lady. Her kidney infection is much better and the swelling in her face is gone. Geez, have I left anyone out? It seems this hasn't been a good year already. As always, keep your families, and mine, in your thoughts and prayers.
Don't you just love this warm weather? Thanks Chris for sending me those awesome reminders of summers at the beach with our family. Those were cool snapshots! Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful too. Ahhhhhh...spring is in the air!
Hope you all have a terrific Thursday! I'll try to post more when I get home tomorrow night.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Property values decreasing...
the first signs of spring...
Mom's birthday...
Snow Saturday?
By the way, this is a picture of winter weather woes before last. Not much to look at but snow none the less.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Pilgrim's Pride...
Friday, February 09, 2007
Its my blog so I'll rant if I want...
I've been doing this job since 1994. By now, if I don't know what I'm doing then I need a new career. I'm a talented reporter, burned out a little maybe, but I can hold my own with anyone in this market!
To clear up misconception, I do -not- watch the competition from my office window. I don't have time to keep up with them because I'm busy running from one county to the next turning twice the stories they do. Plus, I don't have to spy. I know what I'm doing. Not to mention, I just don't care what they do. By the way, if I happen to go by the courthouse to look up background checks on criminals, its not because I got the idea from a certain reporter. Its because I know how to be a good journalist. I know how to do my job and do it well with little or no direction from anyone.
Now you may be asking yourself, why is she saying all this? Let's just say, word got back to me and I didn't like what I heard.
Peace out!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
A long day of civic duty...
My home computer is on the fritz. I installed an updated version of Internet Explorer. Now, I can't do squat on line. My computer genius brother sweetly agreed to fix it for me. I wish I knew just a little of what he knows about technology. I'm what you call "challenged."
I took a few pics of last week's snow event. I haven't had time to download them to my website. I'll do that soon.
This weekend is my mother's birthday. We are having a yummy dinner at my grandmother's house. I have to stop by Kroger's and pick up a birthday cake for those who can eat sugar. Friday night I will bake a sugar-free red velvet cake for me and my dad. I tested the recipe already. It's so yummy tasty!! I'll post the recipe soon.
Have a happy day, ya'll!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Fluff and fold...
Its cold outside! Its not much warmer in my house. I'm sitting on my couch in front of the window and there is a cold north breeze blowing the back of my hair. I might need to invest in some weather stripping. Naaaaa...by the time I get around to that, it will be spring and time to rip open the windows!!!
I've been busy getting my tax stuff ready. I've saved all my reciepts from the year in hopes that I can get a decent chunk of change back. My plan is pay off my credit card. That will leave me with only a car payment and a loan payment (which is nearly paid off). If you are interested in helping me reduce my debt, please feel free to throw your loose change my way. Every penny counts. haha!
Well, its time to say good night! Hope everyone has a happy start to the work week. Stay safe, drive careful, and bundle up.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
here is another...
now i know why...
washing machine blues...
My mother handed in her retirement slip yesterday at the bank. I'm happy for her! She's worked a long time and I know she is looking forward to treating herself to some "me" time. She plans to work part for a while so she can hold on to her insurance. That got me to thinking. I have many many more years before I can sit back and enjoy life. How depressing.
Saturday we had a birthday get together for my dad. We ate lunch at The Steakhouse in Moulton. Then we enjoyed sugar-free desert at my brothers house. Mom ordered a yummy sugar-free chocolate ice cream brownie pie from TCBY. I made a homemade banana split (sugar free) ice cream loaf to go with it.
If you need a simple desert, try this. You don't have to make it sugar-free but it will make you feel a lot less guilty in the end :)
1 loaf pan
a sheet of plastic wrap
favorite ice cream
chocolate syrup
cool whip
nuts (optional)
Lay sheet of plastic wrap in loaf pan. layer ice cream, bananas, cherries, chocolate syrup. top with Cool Whip and nuts. Wrap. Place in freezer. Before you are ready to serve. Pull ice cream loaf wrapped in plastic out of pan. Remove plastic wrap. Serve.
Happy eatings!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Slow down!
Slow down. Be careful. And clean out your cars!! ha!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Is this January or June?
My brother and his famly came to my house Saturday. Chris installed a wireless hicky so I don't have to drag 50 feet of cable around with me. He also brought 2 cd's filled with classic country music! I downloaded several songs to my MP3 player! Hank, Conway, Barbara, Vern...all the good ones!
Later, we went to Bellacinos in Madison. They have delicious sub sandwiches and pizza. I had a turkey, bacon, ranch, and swiss sub minus the lettuce. Yummy!
Sunday I cooked lunch, like always. Growing up my mom fixed something delicious to eat after church. I can't ever remember eating out. Now, that's all we do. Here is a recipe from Sunday lunch. It's a Campbell's Soup reciped kicked up a degree! Enjoy!
One Dish Chicken and Rice Bake -- Cizzy Style
1 can Campbell's Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 can Campbell's Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup 98 % Fat Free
1 cup water
*3/4 cup uncooked regular long-grain yellow rice
1/4 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
small can green chilies (optional, but yummy)
skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into cubes
MIX soup, chicken, water, rice, paprika, black pepper, green chilies in a bowl.
Pour into a 2-qt. shallow baking dish.
Season with additional paprika and pepper.
BAKE at 375°F. 45 min. or until done.
TIP: *For creamier rice, increase water to 1 1/3 cups.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy Birthday to me...
I celebrated Monday with my family. They came to Decatur and we had lunch at Logan's. Then we went to TCBY Yogurt for sugar-free ice cream. After that, we all went to Hartselle to my brother's house. My nephews got a Nintendo Wii for x-mas. That is the most awesome gaming system! We bowled most of the day! For real! I love to bowl so I had a blast. The best part? I didn't have to put my clean feet in a nasty pair of bowling shoes. The down side is the fact my brother doesn't have a hot dog stand and a soda fountain in his play room. I bet he will rig one up soon :)
Belated birthday wishes to Rhea Lynn! Hope your special day was wonderful!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I had a really good x-mas. I spent it in Haleyville with my sweet and beloved family. The food was delicious, the gifts were wonderful but it was the time spent with those I love that made the day so special.
Friday was really great! I went to Tuscaloosa to spend time with my good friend Tracy. She moved from Huntsville to T-town over the summer. She bought her a cute garden home and began a new job at Northridge High School. She took me to a wonderful Italian place for lunch then we went to the campus for a look-see. After that we went for a drive. I got sick and began puking. Poor Tracy knows the routine. If you see me turn the shade of concrete, it might be wise to quickly pull over. A bad ear infection plus car sickness equals me with my head hung out the door. Well, you get the picture.
Later that night I came back to Haleyville to have birthday supper with Kristen, my best friend growing up. We are still tight and I think she is a great gal! We ate Italian! Yeap, my second helping and this time I kept it down :) She gave me this really cute gift. It's a rubber man you drop in water and he's grows. The best part about him? He keeps his mouth shut! haha! Thanks Kristen and Tracy! I had a wonderful time!!
New Year's Eve was very unromantic. No surprise there! Instead of smooching a man when the clock struck midnight, I rolled over just in time to see the ball drop. Maybe next year :)
Did you make your resolutions for 2007? If so, try to keep at least one!
Happy New Year!