Sunday, June 17, 2007

Lighter and lighter...

The pounds are melting away! I'm really happy with the "Fat Smash" plan. I'm down nearly 12 pounds. I had a wonderful cheat day Friday. I think that helps motivate me. My grandmother fried catfish, hushpuppies, french fries. We had vinegar slaw and yummy deserts. I ate until I was stuffed. Saturday morning, it was back to "healthy eating." This is actually addictive. A no brainer diet.

1 comment:

Alan S. said...

Good work and good luck. One of the challenges in dieting (I have done two major efforts - lost 30 lbs once and 50 lbs the other) is changing eating habits and to keep eating healthy. And that is the hardest part.

I managed to keep the 50 lbs off for over 18 months, but then changed jobs within the company. My travel habits changed, then my eating habits changed, and in 12 months - BOOM - 30 lbs was back on. Ugh. Now I am working to get back on the healthy eating I was doing once before, plus losing with same lbs for the 3rd time.

Be good.