Sunday, July 01, 2007


I have not had a chance to update my blog. I have a really good excuse. Last Friday, on my off day, I woke up at 2 in the morning with the worst case of kidney stones you could ever imagine. I've had them 2 other times. This one was awful. I had surgery Tuesday to remove the stone causing all my grief and misery. Once it was out, I felt sooooo much better. Other than running a low grade fever afterwards, I'm feeling better. Going to work tomorrow though I still don't feel like bouncing around in a live truck. I have to thank my mom, dad and brother for taking such good care of me while I was sick. Why stick myself with a husband when I've got great family nearby (though they would argue its somebody elses turn to take care of me).

Since I was sick, the "Fat Smash Diet" got put on hold. That's ok. I lost weight anyway. I couldn't hold anything but popcicles and milkshakes down and when I got to feeling better I didn't have an appetite. In all, I've dropped 13 pounds. Tomorrow, its back to "healthy eating."

Hope everyone had a good weekend and got lots of rest!

1 comment:

Lydia said...

We're the way, how's life at the huntsville office?