Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Has it really been that long?

Hello? Anybody out there or have all my once faithful viewers left me for other more responsible blog sites? I have not abandoned my website, just been busy! Lots going on in my life. Some I'm happy about, some not so much.

Let me start with work. That's always a great way to realize just how much you look forward to the day you can retire!!! I'm 33 years old and anxiously await the day I turn 65. Is something wrong with that picture?? Uh yeh!!!! My schedule officially got changed yesterday. So did everybody else with the exception of those who work in bureaus. I've worked the same "dayside" schedule for years. Suddenly, I'm going to a split shift. So instead of Monday-Friday 9a-6p (more like 6:30) I am now Monday and Tuesday 2p-10p. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9a-6p. I would love to say I'm thrilled but I'm not. I don't hate it either. I get a longer weekend but nightside screws with my routine of watching Jay Leno's headlines on Monday.

I leave for the beach next Thursday! I cannot wait to leave North Alabama behind for a few days. I need a break before I "break." I hope the weather is as gorgeous in Destin as it has been here in Huntsville. Clear blue skies, cool mornings, warm afternoons.

I promise to blog more before I leave for my trip! will post pics soon 2.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Welcome back! I was beginning to think you'd abandoned your readers...