Monday, March 26, 2007

Miscellaneous Ramblings...

It's nearly midnight. I've had a busy day. I got up and went to church. Then I drove to Madison to meet my brother, sister-in-law and the kids. We ate lunch at Bellicino's (yum) then went bicycle shopping. Unfortunately, we didn't find bikes for Brad or John. I know they were disappointed.

I had to pick up something at Wal-Mart to stick my tomatoe plants. I rigged up two slender wooden dowles on either side of each plant and fastened them with zip ties. My plants are nice and straight now. They look really good. I haven't set them outside yet because the birds like to pick the blooms off. I don't want to have to posion them (the plants) either. They are sitting in the window in my upstairs bedroom. Hopefully, they are getting enough sun to help them continue growing.

Finally I see green!!! My pepper plants are sprouting. Before long, I should have jalapenos, bell peppers and banana peppers.

I'm off Monday and Tuesday. I am trying to get caught up with a project and I needed some time away from work before Mary Winkler's trial. I've got plans Easter weekend so she better get a move on it!!! I don't see the point in wasting tax dollars for a trial. She admitted she shot her husband then left with the girls. She's not eligiable for the death penalty or life without so what does she have to worry about? She'll probably sale her story and make millions. I wonder who Hollywood would get to play the part?

My grandmother is in Birmingham having some heart tests run. She's having a few problems with her aortic valve. I sure hope she gets a good report but I'm worried the doctors might find something worse. She's a trooper that's for sure. In all my years, I've never heard my grandmother complain once about not feeling well. She broke her leg once and set it herself and somehow managed to get back home from the barn. She's a very independent woman with a head like concrete. I've been told I have that same hard head :) I'll never be the woman that she is, but I hope I have a little of her gutsy ways in my blood.

Hope everyone had a good weekend! More later...

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