Friday, April 06, 2007

High on Lookout Mountain...

Yesterday, I left the River City for the mountains of Chattanooga. It was such a beautiful drive through Scottsboro, Bridgeport, Stevenson, etc. If nothing else, it was nice just being away from work for a day. It takes about 2 1/2 hours to get there but the drive is worth it. 4 lane all the way!

This is going to be a busy next few days for me. Saturday, my mother and daddy are coming to Athens. I'll be in Hartselle staying with my brother's 2 youngest children while they are in Nashville. Sunday, mom, dad and I will go out for lunch after church. Then, I'm leaving Sunday night headed to Corinth, MS. Monday morning, Mary Winkler's trial starts in Selmer. It's going to be a media circus, that is for sure! I'm hoping everything will wrap up in a few short days. It may take longer than that. I just hope we are home by the end of the week.

Can you believe all this chilly weather? Thankfully, my pepper and tomato plants are inside with the heat on. They are thriving quiet nicely! I hope to be making salsa by summer time.

Hope all of you are doing well! Have a great weekend!

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