Friday, February 09, 2007

Its my blog so I'll rant if I want...

You know, I try to be a fair person, not only in my personal life but professional as well. My New Year's Resolution was to try and not let petty people get under my skin. I've done pretty well so far. That is until today.

I've been doing this job since 1994. By now, if I don't know what I'm doing then I need a new career. I'm a talented reporter, burned out a little maybe, but I can hold my own with anyone in this market!

To clear up misconception, I do -not- watch the competition from my office window. I don't have time to keep up with them because I'm busy running from one county to the next turning twice the stories they do. Plus, I don't have to spy. I know what I'm doing. Not to mention, I just don't care what they do. By the way, if I happen to go by the courthouse to look up background checks on criminals, its not because I got the idea from a certain reporter. Its because I know how to be a good journalist. I know how to do my job and do it well with little or no direction from anyone.

Now you may be asking yourself, why is she saying all this? Let's just say, word got back to me and I didn't like what I heard.

Peace out!

1 comment:

John said...

Hi, I thought I'd comment on this instead of a more recent post as this one most clicks with me. I'm intrested in The Trial, as a 12/90 FHU grad (BA Mass Comm/broadcast). But I'm "up north" and far away from the mid-South in more ways than one!

I never got into media professionally, as I made the mistake of jumping into marriage. (She left me after 10 years, and after 5 finally divorced me this April.)

Instead of media, I work for PA in mental retardation. I understand the sendiments in this entry, how stories come back to you and you feel stabbed from behind with a poisoned dagger! I hope it wasn't one of your close friends...

I grew up in the CoC but now attend a (new) SBC here in Hazleton PA where I am active with our worship tech.

I have joined and, where I have detailed profiles. I also blog via Yahoo 360 and LiveJournal. I hope you'll reply to me (
I'm bookmarking your blog, too. I doubt we'll ever meet, but you're the first FHU grad that I've met outside relatives!

I hope that you are able to keep your faith a strong and daily aspect of your professional life, and that the "if-it-bleeds,-it-leads" news mentality doesn't discourage you.

Most of the media has an anti-family and anti-faith agenda, seeking instead an intolerant "tolerance" of alt. lifestyles. It can be very difficult to be a Christian in such an environment, no matter your personal political feelings.

I have struggled with years with my personal relationship with Christ, perhaps because of issues in my childhood. Yet I have kept a strong faith in that Whom I have believed, and I am still persuaded that He is able to carry me through.

In my work environment, it is easy to become discouraged because those I care for never mature or change but for simple age. They have different abilities, different personalities, but they will never move beyond the stage they reached. For many, it's the toddler years. But God loves them, and He wants me to love them and care for them, too. And He helps me do that.

God loves reporters, too, even those who work against Him. So be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world!

I'm rambling a bit, but I wanted to try to lift your spirits in regards to this blog entry. Thaks for hearing me out! For God (and FHU?) I am — John