Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fluff and fold...

I am now the proud owner of a fine piece of machinery! No. Not a man. A washer and dryer! Even as I type this latest blog entry, my dryer is purring away. I bought a set of Whirlpools from Lowe's in Athens. It does everything but fold the clothes. I, nor any member of my family, had to lift a finger to install these babies. Lowe's took care of that for me...for the simple price of $59.00. Trust me people! It was worth it! I even signed an autograph for the young man who so carefully positioned my latest purchase into a tight fitting space. I will post a picture soon!

Its cold outside! Its not much warmer in my house. I'm sitting on my couch in front of the window and there is a cold north breeze blowing the back of my hair. I might need to invest in some weather stripping. the time I get around to that, it will be spring and time to rip open the windows!!!

I've been busy getting my tax stuff ready. I've saved all my reciepts from the year in hopes that I can get a decent chunk of change back. My plan is pay off my credit card. That will leave me with only a car payment and a loan payment (which is nearly paid off). If you are interested in helping me reduce my debt, please feel free to throw your loose change my way. Every penny counts. haha!

Well, its time to say good night! Hope everyone has a happy start to the work week. Stay safe, drive careful, and bundle up.

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