Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Fat Smash Diet...

How many of you watch VH1's Celebrity Fit Club? I admit, I tune in on a regular basis. The nutritionist on that show, Dr. Ian Smith, has published a book, that by all of the reviews, has very positive results. I am starting the "Fat Smash Diet" Monday. I will be blogging my progress through the 9 day detox. That seems to be the worse part of the entire 4 phase plan. If you stick to it though, you can lose some significant pounds...the healthy way!

Stay tuned for a slimmer trimmer version of me!

1 comment:

Paula Harrington said...

I admit I've seen it. It's kind of like a train wreck isn't it?

I need to get healthier too, but keep putting it off. Who knows Jesus might come back today and I'd rather go to Heaven with a cheeseburger as my last meal instead of a salad :)

Where will you be worshipping in Huntsville? We got to meet Lonnie and Jackie Jones the other day and loved them!