Monday, June 04, 2007

Day 5, 6, 7

Ok. I'm behind on blogging my "progress." My home computer is down. I haven't had time with transitioning to Huntsville to pull up my blog.

I'm on my 7th day. Sunday, I started feeling really bad. No wonder. I checked my blood pressure. It was 93/56. No matter what I did, I couldn't get it back up. My mother suggested I eat salt (which I had cut from my diet). After a teaspoon full, I started feeling better. I can tell its down again because I feel weak and strung out. I know now why I've lost so much fluid. Salt makes you retain water so without it, you lose weight. Speaking of which, I'm down 4 1/2 pounds.

My diet is still basically the same, though I will admit I'm looking forward to phase 2. I hope to start it Friday.

Hope all is well. Will blog more about this later.

1 comment:

Carly said...

Have you tried using the Morton Light Salt? It is used on the LA Weight Loss diet and may help your salt trouble. Its all I use now. Just a thought.