A teacher once told my mother, "Your daughter will either be famous or infamous." I hope you enjoy reading my blog. The pictures, posts, and drama are all real.
Monday, December 18, 2006
sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching...
A week from today is Christmas! Can you believe it? Where has this year gone? My family will celebrate the holiday on Sunday, Christmas Eve. It's our year to open gifts one day early. Next year, we will have Christmas on the day it is supposed to fall. It rotates every year with the Gentles and the Bradfords (sister-in-laws fam).
Speaking of in-laws, my sister-in-law, Sarah, had a good turn out for her cookie swap last weekend. This was the 4th annual gala. I have attended each and every one. I must say I think this one had the most people. It was a lot of fun.
I've decided to start posting some recipes on my blog site. I love to try new dishes. Mostly, I'm always looking for delicious sugar-free or low carb menu ideas.
However, for those of you who can eat sweets, I will try to post regular desert recipes as well. This one is loaded with sugars and sweets but I thought anyone looking for an easy and delicious cookie idea might try this one out. I made it for the cookie swap! Enjoy!
Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Reese Cup Cookies
2 1/4 c. all purpose flour
1 t. baking soda
1 t. salt
1 cup Crisco butter flavor sticks
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 t. vanilla extract
2 large eggs
1 cup Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chips
1 cup Peanut Butter Chips
2 + cups chopped Reese cups
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine flour, baking soda and salt in bowl. Beat butter, sugars and vanilla extract in large mixer bowl until creamy/ Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Gradually beat in flour mixture. stir in morsels and peanut butter cups. Drop by tablespoon fulls on lightly greased cookie sheet.
Bake 8-10 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from pan. Cool.
Makes 4 dozen.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Its all in a days work...

Friday, December 08, 2006
Finally, some down time after a busy week...
It sure has been cold! That wind makes my fur blow to the left! (my cats always hated that) I miss the warm weather, long days and green grass.
Mom came up Monday. We had a really good time. We ate breakfast at Cracker Barrell then went shopping. After a long day of spending money, we came back to Decatur and ate supper at Bob Gibson's BBQ. Yum!
Tomorrow, I'm taking Brad, John and Mary Beth to Sci-Quest in Huntsville for the WAFF-48 Kids Christmas Party. I sure hope they have a good time. Santa is supposed to make an appearance. I wonder if I should whisper what I want in this ear. Mom says I have to get that present on my own! hahahahahaha!
I got my cookies baked tonight for my sister-in-laws cookie swap sunday. i made a chocolate chip peanut butter cup cookie. Turned out beautifully.
The only person I have left to buy for on my list this year is my stinkin brother! I say that because his wish list consited of Sharpie markers and sugar free butterscotch. That is not the Chris I'm used to buying for. Don't worry! I think I've come up with a groovy little idea.
Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Saying goodbye...
Friday, December 01, 2006
The end of another week...
Next week promises to be just as busy. Saturday, I'm taking my niece and nephews to the WAFF-48 *Kids* Christmas party. That should be fun! Sunday is my sister-in-law's annual cookie swap. I've got to find a day this week to bake my 60 cookies. Oh yeah, did I mention I will be working too? Busy! Busy! Busy!
Thanksgiving was a lot of fun. Mother had a very delicious lunch prepared. We all dove in on one particular dish...grape salad! That suited my taste better than anything. I'm not much for all that heavy food that weighs you down and makes you feel bad all day. Fruit is wonderful and it doesn't leave you feeling sick. My Pickle makes the best grape salad!
My animals are all doing well. Momma Kitty and Gray don't like this change in weather. They like it when its warm...just like there mommy!
Hope all is well! Have a safe weekend everyone!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Gobble! Gobble! Gobble!
Monday, a school bus carrying some 40 Lee High School students went off an interstate overpass in Huntsville, plunging 30-feet to the ground below. Two teenage girls were killed. Two more died later at Huntsville Hospital. The bus driver was found lying on the interstate. He has a broken back and head injuries. An orange Celica may have caused the accident. Some witnesses say the driver got to close to the bus. Right now, investigators aren't saying what connection that car has with this wreck. Its so sad 4 families will be without there children on this Thanksgiving Day.

On a lighter note, I took my first helicopter ride Monday. Our assignment was to get aerial video of that bus crash. I've never flown before! I was determined to put my fear aside. I really enjoyed being in the air although the turbulance made our chopper feel like a basketball bouncing in the sky! You really can't appreciate God's handy work until you see it several thousand feet above.

Thank you Lydia for the delicious turkey day meal! She sent a plate of delicous ham, mashed potatoes, a deviled egg, congealed salad, green bean salad and sweet pototaes. Lydia is a great cook! That ham was so juicy and tender! I'm thankful to have a friend like you!
This Thanksgiving Day, be sure to tell your family you love them! Give them a big hug and kiss ! You never know when it may be your last time to be with them.
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes...
I've been cleaning house all morning. I thought about going Christmas shopping but then changed my mind. I would rather do that through the week when the crowds are not so intense.
While all of you are stuffing your bellies with mashed potatoes, turkey, and delicious sugar filled deserts with your families, I will be one of few working Thanksgiving. I have worked every turkey day since I got out of college. I don't really mind. I usually eat with the less fortunate. I always meet someone that reminds me of why I should be thankful for what I have. There is no greater lesson on that day of thanks than pulling up a Dixie plate with someone who has nothing. A humbling lesson that I think everyone should experience.
Today is Iron Bowl. I could care less but in the spirit of the game, ROLL TIDE!
I try not to use this blog as my personal issue website. However, I'm in a funk and have been for a long time. I know why but I don't care to go into it. Usually I'm excited about Christmas. This year, I could sleep straight through and never care that I missed it. I'm not putting up a tree as I usually do. I don't plan to listen to Christmas music (though I live Alabama's Christmas in Dixie) and now I suddenly hate holiday shopping. I'll go to my mother's on Christmas Eve and do the whole gift/dinner thing. Maybe by then, The Grinch will have left my system.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Some good news
Thursday, November 16, 2006
To know me is to love my animals.
My parents live outside the city limits. That means dad can shoot anything that moves! He's got his shotgun ready in case those dogs come back! People who don't keep there dogs chained up or in a fence should be disposed of properly. Somebody's carelessness cost me (and mom) one of the sweetest kitties since Midnight (my cat growing up).
She had a very loving home for a little while.
I love you momma kitty...
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
And the award goes to....
I am very honored the board thought enough to nominate me. This award means more than an Associated Press or Emmy. I think very highly of these people. I am priviledged and blessed to work with such a special group.

Saturday, November 04, 2006
Mystery Trip....part 2
The next morning, we got up, showered and ate breakfast at the hotel. I had a toasted bagle with cream cheese and grape jelly, a cup of hot chocolate, and a swig of apple juice. Mother had a homemade waffle with syrup. Here is pic of the view from our hotel room.

Friday, November 03, 2006
A few quick thoughts...
I haven't posted the second part of my trip yet but that is coming this weekend. I haven't had time to sit down and blog much lately. Thank you Lydia for reminding me that I need to do so (Lydia is a faithful reader of this website and I like to keep my fans happy.)
Lydia's husband, Juergen is my camera man. He celebrated his 40th birthday Thursday. Laura Beth, who works next door at WAAY-31 really went all out to make sure his day was special. I did my part too. I took him to Ruby Tuesday's for a salad, cheese sticks and desert. Happy Birthday!
This weekend is my grandmother's birthday. Tonight, I need to pick her up a little something special. We are taking her out to eat for her big day. If you ask her, she'll tell you she doesn't want anyone making a fuss over her!! I think she really does. hahah!
I'm heading out the door to try and get some of my work finished. Have a good weekend everyone!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Mystery Trip...
I drug my weary self up around 4:30 Monday morning. After a shower and bowl of cereal, we loaded our bags in the car and left out for Hamilton. We got on the bus headed to Tupelo, Mississippi to pick up another group. At this point, we still didn't know where we were going.
Our first official stop was at a "Flying J's" truck stop. I had never heard of it but they've got them all over the country. "Flying J's" is an interesting place. You can buy a slice of pizza or a box of Chinese and pick up a pair of pajama pants all at the same store.
After stretching our legs, we loaded back on the bus. Paul, the brains behind our tour, informed us we we're going to Little Rock, Arkansas. I had never been there before so I was looking forward to it. As long as it wasn't Decatur or anywhere in North Alabama I was game. Once we left Memphis, the drive to Little Rock was actually surprising. The land is flat. The leaves on the trees are still very green. After riding through, I wouldn't classify it as "southern."
I learned Arkansas is famous for growing rice and harvesting cranberries. This photo is a rice field just off the main highway. I snapped it out my bus window.
Once we got into Little Rock, we stopped for lunch at the "River Front." I had a hot dog, loaded with ketchup, mustard, relish, kraut and yes, a few onions. Mom had the chili version. After lunch, we got back on the bus. We stopped for a 2 hour tour through the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum. I enjoyed the interactive video showing different rooms inside the White House and the meaning behind each piece of furniture. There is a penthouse in the top of the museum. The locals say they know when Clinton is visiting because he keeps the drapes open. :)
It didn't take long to walk through the presidential library. Mom and I went outside and snapped a few photos. This one where I'm standing in front of a rusty ole railroad bridge has some significant meaning. Former President Clinton's motto during his time in office was "building a bridge to the future." In the next few years, this bridge will be turned in to a pedestrian walk with shopping vendors. The water is a fountain out front that has nothing to do with the bridge. I thought it was cool. We left the presidential library and checked into our hotel. The good part to traveling with Marion Tours is the fact they stay in really nice places. We freshened up a bit and then it was off to the Arkansas River for a dinner/entertainment cruise. I really liked that. We had delicious food. They served the most tender cut of chicken marinated in orange sauce with carrots and peas, spicy green beans, herb roasted potatoes, wild rice, a mouth-watering cesar salad, a homemade roll and for desert, peach cobbler with cream. This is a photo I took across the river from the boat we went on. The Arkansas River is not nearly as pretty as the Mississippi or the Tennessee.
After the cruise, it was back to the hotel. Mom and I watched part of "Walk The Line: The Johnny Cash Story." (one of my favorites). Then it was time to sleep and start it all over again the next morning.
Stay tuned...Part 2 coming soon!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
A blast from my past...

Girls, remember the days of vinyl? I spent many many hours with these cheerished albums. I still have these plus a stack of others. I wonder if my Disney memories are worth any cash? There is no way I would ever sale these. Please note some of my favorites...The Fox and The House, Strawberry Shortcake, The Rescuers, and Cinderella. Ahhhh...to be youn again.
On the way back from a crack house...

Hope you had a good week, Em! Glad you are home! Lizzie
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Where is it??!!
The view outside my office window...
Monday, October 16, 2006
Catching up...
Emily is in Andulsia this week training to be a firefighter. Good luck, Em!
I think the FHU Reunion is coming together somewhat. My friend Tracy is coming up that Saturday. Catherine says she is planning to go. Rhea is a maybe and I'm not sure about Kris. I think it will be fun to see everyone after 10 years.
I need to get off my lazy rear and get started.
May the force be with you...
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday the 13th...
I have to work Saturday night. I'm off Sunday and Monday but I still think it stinks. I've got to cover a memorial service for a pilot that was found dead this week. I'd rather run naked through a briar patch.
Enough about me...hope you all had a great day!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Third times the charm...

Congratulations Carrie!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Korean War Veteran Diploma...
Morons and meth...
I set up a story yesterday about a man who had a serious motorcycle wreck last month. He didn't have any experience riding one. He decides to go to Huntsville. He wrecked at the bottom of Brindlee Mountain. He slid into a guardrail and was thrown about 90 feet into some trees and rocks. He broke his back, both legs, his arm, punctured his lung, his aorta and has a head injury. Ok. that was the serious part. When we got to dude's house we were met by a woman with bad roots and black snaggly teeth. She was hiding out in the garage most likely cooking meth. 10 people live in that house. 5 are under the age of 6. The entire place stunk and everybody looked stoned. What a great undercover story for meth!!!
When we got back to the office we popped the tape in the deck. I was logging sound bytes when I heard a noise of someone passing gas. I assume its the bed-ridden guy we interviewed. You could plainly hear him gasing it up. I laughed so hard, my side hurts.
My sweet nephew Brad called. He was wanting to know if Aunt Cizzy would be at the Weather Road Tour in Hartselle tonight. Of course I wasn't scheduled to be but Cizzy couldn't pass up the chance to see her sweet kids. :)
Hope you all are having a good day!
One last farewell...
Monday, October 09, 2006
My claim to fame...

Columbus Day...
Yesterday, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed! I hated everyone and felt like someone slapped the life out of me. I crawled in the bed after church and slept most of the day. For me to waste time like that, I must have felt bad. I'm better today.
My friend Emily has launched her first web blog! I'm proud of you Em! I know you will enjoy putting your life out there for friends, family and strangers to read. If you would like to know more about Emily's "life in a camper" simply log on to her blog at http://emmdean.blogspot.com.
I have an update on the Britt Family. Tom has been upgraded to fair condition. Funeral services will be set soon for Martha. Police are actively searching for the person or persons responsible for running over and killing Martha and seriously injuring Tom last Friday. My friend Rhea is taking this so hard. Martha was the principal where she teaches school. Again, this family can use your prayers.
My brother is on a business trip this week. Chris, I know you are enjoying the peace and quiet. Be careful and stay safe!
That goes for everyone reading this.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Tom and Martha Britt...
Martha was the principal at Lane Elementary School, where my friend Rhea teaches. Tom has worked for WBBJ Television in Jackson for 14 years. When I was trying to get a foot in the door of this businessmore than 10 years ago, I interviewed with him. I remember Tom giving me a pop quiz on current events. Long story short, I didn't get the job. I remember him telling me not to give up. Keep this family in your prayers. Tom most likely will not be able to attend his wife's funeral. He has a broken leg, head injury, punctured lung and several other serious injuries.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Gloom, despair and agony on me...
My 10 year college reunion is next month. Its hard to believe I've been out of school that long. My college roommate just had her 3rd baby. Wow! Time flies! My life then, compared to now, has really changed. Then, I was energetic, positive, tenacious. Now I'm old, cranky and tired. I honestly thought CNN would call and offer me a job the day I graduated. Now, I'm thinking about going to work for McDonald's as the newest addition to there french fry section.
This morning I did a story with some of the officers with Decatur's SWAT Team. They are all really nice guys. Some, as you can imagine, are camera shy. Its amazing how school has changed since I was a little girl. Anyone could walk in without ever having to stop by the office. Now, you can't even walk into some schools without buzzing in or having someone unlock the door. I always worry about Brad, John and Mary Beth. School isn't a safe place for kids anymore.
Tonight, I'm going to Emily's for a cookout/bonfire. I wonder how well I will like deer burgers? I'm not sure I can stomach eating an animal Disney once thought was worthy of a movie.
Mom and dad are coming to Hartselle tomorrow to watch the kids play soccer. Of course, Aunt Cizzy will be there too.
Hope you all have a good weekend!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
A picture -is- worth a thousand words...

This is by far the most hysterical picture I've ever had the priviledge of being photographed in. This was taken in August of 2003 by Decatur Daily Photographer Gary Lloyd. We were sitting in the hallway of the Limestone County Courthouse, most likely waiting for a verdict to come down. John snapped this pose and sent it to us. To this day, it still hangs on the bulletin board in our office.
Please note the stinky look on Juergen's face. As for me, I look like somebody just slapped the white off my cheeks.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
A little spare time in my day...
I had to go to Cullman today and cover a church break-in. Truly, there was nothing that exciting about the video. They got in through an unlocked door, broke into a storage room, stole musical instruments and left. What made this story "shocking" was the fact that 'revival' services were going on next door. The pastor found the storage room door kicked in when he was locking up. He called us the next day to come down and do a story. He was really nice. I hope they get there equipment back.
The funny thing about church breakins and vandalisms is you hardly ever hear of it happening to a Church of Christ. Think about it. We have no expensive equipment, little money and no fancy decorations. What do we have that a thief would want? A few tracts about hell, plastic juice cups and some left over crackers? I doubt they are interested.
The weather was so nice today. The sun was shining bright. The sky was blue. And, oh yeah, the wind was howling right up my skirt! It could have been very embarassing if I hadn't held on to my hem during today's press conference. Word to the wise, pants are best when there are gale force winds a' blowin.
So how many of you watched the news about Louisian's Super Dome reopening? Its amazing they finished this 9 + million dollar project just in time for football season. The dome has all the bells and whistles. New stadium chairs (for the obvious reason), new lighting, new turf, new flooring, etc. But wait!!!!! What about all the debris still piled up in neighborhoods, houses untouched, cars rusting, mold, yards full of thick briars and bushes. Nothing has been done to clean up that mess. Yet, we drop millions into a structure that probably should have been torn down. I believe in getting life back together and generating revenue. Come on now. What about all those families that have nothing and have had to move away to start all over. I wonder how they feel about sinking that kind of cash into a football stadium.
Time for me to get ready for the news.
Hope everyone is well.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Baby, its cold outside...
You can tell its getting close to Halloween. The horror movie previews are already on television. I've never been a fan of flicks like "The Texas Chainsaw Masacre" or "Freddy Kruger." My friend Kristen loves scary movies. When I would spend the night with her when we were younger, she would pop one of those haunted movies in and we would stay up all night watching. I couldn't sleep for a week!
There is a pretty awesome haunted house at the old Limestone County Jail that is supposed to scare you right out of your underwear. I was reading about it online last week. The myth is the old jail is haunted by inmates who have been killed or died while behind bars. Jailers have told me before they moved to the new location, that they were scared to death at night because they would hear blood curdling screams and when they went to check on where it was coming from, there was nobody around. The haunted house is sponsored by the Athens Police Department as a fund-raiser. They've been working on it for months. I bet it will be bone chilling frightening knowing those guys. As for me, I'll read about it in the reviews. haha!
Its almost 10:00 and I need to wash dishes and call it a night.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
bathing beauty...
Monday, September 18, 2006
Its just another manic Monday...
I had a good weekend. I went home to see mom and dad. Mom and grandma got back last weekend from a trip out west and to Canada. They brought me back some pretty cool stuff. In fact, if the weather gets cold I'll have a warm sweatshirt to pull on.
The weather was wierd today. One minute, the sun was shining the next it was drizzling. Crossing the Tennessee River heading back into Decatur the sky was gorgeous. The clouds were a dark shade of blue and gray on one side. On the other, there was clearing. A cold front is supposed to slide through and drop the temperatures. Oh how I love warm weather! I am going to miss open toe heels, short sleeves and skirts. Good bye summer! Hope to see you soon :)
Tomorrow night I'm going to some type of house warming party with my friend Emily. She is really sweet. Her brother, Chad and I went to college together. I'm sure we will have fun.
I don't have much to blog about tonight. Nothing interesting anyway. Hope everyone reading this is well!
P.S. Happy Belated Birthday, Kris!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
my favorite childhood shirt...
Quacks like a duck, eats like a pig...

This beautiful creature is Gene. You can see he will eat bread right out of your hand. In fact, he'll even sit in your lap. He knows his name when he hears it. He'll waddle to you just as hard as he can so you'll feed him. What a talented little fella!
Pay no attention to the date on this picture. I've got something set wrong.
The picture you've all been waiting for...

This is Momma Kitty. No she is not upside down. I took the picture standing over the rail of the deck as she looked up at me. Isn't she lovely?

This is her "friend" Gray Kitty. Gray is skiddish and doesn't care much for humans. However, he does tend to warm up when a can of cat food is opened. We aren't sure if Momma Kitty and Gray are an item but if she comes up with a big belly, we'll know they've been doing more than sharing dry food.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
now let me introduce our special guest...
"Well I decided I would go back track my every steps yesterday to see if I could find the missing piece of my finishing mower. Liz knows it was quite small because she saw the one I had yesterday. Well I walked, walked, walked,walked and as I was walking I looked at the stump in the center of the pond and there was a turtle sunning on top. So I had my rifle with me and I stopped to take aim and I stepped on something and as I looked down guess what it was? no guess again well it was that stupid part we went all over Huntsville to find,oh the turtle got away. I was so happy to find it I forgot to shoot the turtle. Now tell me Miracles dont happen in the year 2006..What a relief."
Ain't he something! I love you dad!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
the power of the press...
I decided to write about what I do for a living and clear up any misconception that the life of a reporter is glamorous. No. There is no one to do my makeup or my hair. In fact, by the end of the day sunglasses holding my tresses back and a smear of chapstick is about all I've got time for. When the weather is bad, usually an embarassingly oversized rain coat with plastic sticky logos on the front and back is what you will find me in.
I work in an office on the 6th floor of a bank. The view is pretty nice. I start the morning at my desk, armed with a Diet Grapico and a bag of meat skins, making telephone calls. Around 9:30-ish our Huntsville folks will call me. After a few giggles, we talk about what -2- stories we will turn from our area. Normally, we turn 2 separate stories in 2 different counties while fighting to take a one hour mandatory lunch. Its not easy but in the famous words of Larry The Cable Guy, we "get-er-done."
On a good day, I try to make sure everything is on tape by 2:30. That gives me time to pick interview sound bytes, write both of my stories, then hand them over to Juergen to be edited. I write everything that has to do with my stories. Some producers will write the reporter's lead-in but not at this shop. that's fine. i would rather do it myself.
We work in what is called a bureau. Our schedule is different than that of most reporters. We have a lot more ground to cover (four counties) and sometimes we barley make the show. Today for example. This morning we spent our time stalking a bunch of divers off the Tennessee River. We got a tip they were searching the waters for evidence in a recent murder case. Turns out they were diving for mussles. NOT a lead story. After wasting time at the marina, we went to Bob Gibson's for lunch. Then it was on to Brookhaven Middle School to do a repeat story from last week. When we left the school, our other 2 stories fell apart. Thank goodness we got a copy of a 911 call from a carbon monoxide poisioning that happened a few weeks ago. The competition picked up on that one. It would have been bad if they aired it and we didn't.
When we got back to the office...more drama. Engineering came over to fix something. They thought it was our transmitter but turns out it wasn't. I didn't get the fully skinny on what the problem was.
On a lighter note, we were talking this morning about some of our adventures. Juergen and I have worked together about 4 or 5 years. He jokingly tells people we spend so much time together its like being married. I often beg for a divorce. Sure, we've had our fights. Some in the office, some right out in public. We've called each other every name in the book, thrown things at each other and have been so mad we wouldn't speak. When it comes right down to it, if something bad happened, we would be the first one at each others' side, carrying a loaf of fresh baked bread. I guess its true what they say, your co-workers become family.
I hope everyone has a safe Thursday.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
better than i expected...

Speaking of dad, he came to Decatur today. We had a really good time. We went to Athens and Huntsville looking for a part to his finishing mower. We didn't find one. We did run into a bunch of sales people who had virtually no idea what we were talking about. That seemed to be in abundance. It was so nice out today I really enjoyed the ride. We came back through Decatur so he could pick up his banana bread. Then we went to Moulton to eat at The Steak House (also known as the silo). DELICIOUS!!! We had a fresh crisp salad, the most tender cut of chicken and some of the best tea you can find.
My brother, Chris, likes to eat at The Stockyard in Moulton. The name says it all. I can't get past the smell to order meat. Its a virtual stockyard, built around a restaurant, with messy smelly cows and horses. It makes the Courtland paper mill smell like flowers!! Sorry bro.
TV Land is running a commercial for Family Table night September 25th. They will not show any television shows during a certain time of the evening so that families can sit around the table, eat dinner, and talk. When did we have to set aside a date for that? Growing up, my mother always prepared dinner (and every other meal) and set us at the table. We talked, laughed and enjoyed time together as a family. I never knew parents and children didn't eat together. I'm older now and eat wherever I'm standing. I still enjoy the time spent with my family around the table.
Time for some television, then bed. church is tomorrow and I need to do laundry. More later...
good food vs overpriced food
If and when the big day ever happens for me, you can be guaranteed there will be good food to eat. In fact, this guy my mother works with smokes the most delicious butts you've ever put in your mouth. I know for sure I would like to have that. Don't worry. There be cheese and fruit galore! No salmon or coconut crusted shrimp at this affair ( i hate coconut). Just plain old down to earth good food.
My dad is coming up today to take me out for supper. Problem is I can't decide between the delicious swiss and mushroom chicken from O'Bryans or a hearty hamburger steak from the Steak House in Moulton. Tough choices.
I'm waiting for a loaf of banana bread to come out of the oven. This is a sugar-free loaf, made with Splenda. Splenda is advertised as being just like sugar. I got news for ya. Not when it comes to baking. My dad is a diabetic and has to eat sugar-free foods. I am supposed to do the same. I just don't eat bread like that because if I can't have the real thing, I just won't eat the imitation. It smells delicious but it was like trying to stir wood putty when I was mixing it up. Keep your fingers crossed it turns out yummy (or at least edible).
October 1 is the Fiddler's Conventino in Athens. I love the Fiddler's Convention. Not so much for the music but the awesome booths they have set up. You can buy almost anything you want. I go to find good Christmas gifts. Thousands of people attend. You can't hardly find a parking place. Last year was the lowest attendance because the weather was kind of bad. That was fine by me because it takes a while to make it through all the booths when there is a crowd.
Labor Day will be here Monday. That is the "unofficial" end to summer. I love the hot weather and always dread to see the winter come. I do enjoy fall. That is one of my favorite seasons. This has been a hot, dry summer. I'm enjoying the cooler temperatures.
Its almost time for banana bread to come out of the oven. I'll let you know how it turns out :)
Friday, September 01, 2006
for the seafood lover in ME!
I saw a funny billboard in Madison yesterday. It probably wouldn't have caught the attention of many drivers but I was stopped at a red light and happened to stare up at it. It was a billboard of a cosmotology student. Someone had climbed up and painted her 2 front teeth black. The caption, which I can't remember because I was distracted by the Bubba look, went so well with the vandalism I giggled all the way to the hot wing place. hahaha! I wish I had taken a picture but my camera was at home. :(
I guess mom and grandma are exploring all that Canada has to offer. I bet that's the best part of the whole trip.
I'm going shopping today. Maybe I'll see more interesting billboards along the way.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
A much needed mental break...
Wow! I was really on my high horse the last 2 blog entries. For good reason though. Ignorance and waste make me mad. That is what you see all around. I'll not go back into all that. What's done is done.
My house is not getting clean with me just sitting here typing. I've got a lot to do today but wanted to put out this quick blog.
Hope everyone is well!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Its true what they say, you meet people for a reason
Juergen and I met Judy at her home in Decatur and instantly liked her. She and her husband moved here a few months after Katrina. She bought an old house and fixed it up. She's an interior designer. The inside is gorgeous! The outside, remodeled to look like her old home. She was able to salvage a gorgeous antique bed from her muddy backyard. That is the only piece of furniture she was able to save. All of her pictures are gone. Her home destroyed. Everything that meant something to her was washed away. Her story was emotional, incredible and horrifying. She spent 4 days on her roof top waiting for help. The only food she and her husband had was a small ziplock bag of crackers and half a bottle of water. She shared this with her neighbors.
Judy is one of the lucky survivors. Her husband's job relocated him to Decatur. She has a new home, new furniture, new clothes and a new life. None of these material belongings can replace the memories or friendships she had in her hometown. Judy is traumatized, understandably, from her experience. Underneath it all, she has a heart of gold. She's lonely and simply wants a friend. I believe God brings people into your life for a reason. Maybe my reason for meeting Judy was to give her a voice, and a way to begin the healing process. She also made a new friend in the process.
In other news...my mother and grandmother are on a 2 week trip. Today, they toured Mount Rushmore. Tomorrow its off to Canada. While they are gone, dad is in charge of feeding Momma Kitty, the ducks, geese and whatever else moves around there. 2 cans of food a day should fatten up momma kitty. I think she really likes her new home.
80% chance of rain today? I think the weather guy missed the forecast. That's ok with me. Working in the rain is a real drip :)
More later...
And the award goes to....
Today is the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. I watched NBC's Brian Williams one-hour special coverage last night. It is amazing how much damage is still piled up. Some places look just the same as when the Hurricane hit. I'm bewildered at how the United States can come together and send millions of dollars overseas when a disaster hits but we can't take care of our own homeland. Dont' get me wrong. I believe in helping others but from the looks of New Orleans, Bay St. Louis, Waveland, etc, we need to help ourselves first.
I've got 2 local interviews set up to go along with today's anniversary. One lady who called the office yesterday lost everything living in Mississippi. She made a good point. You continually see the damage and devastation in New Orleans but there are others all along the Gulf Coast who have nothing left to show but concrete slabs. It's like they've been forgotten. So sad.
The part that makes me the most angry is the waste that has gone on. Last night on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, they did a piece about the thousands of trailers sitting in Arkansas, empty. The reporter estimated the cost of building the mobile homes at $300,000, rent on the property at $25,000 a month. The official that was interviewed said something so stupid the reporter should have slapped the white off his face. He said "well, at least when there is another natural disaster. We'll be prepared. I guess its a good idea we've built to many." On top of that, the poor people who don't have homes can't get one of the FEMA trailers to move into. The amount of red tape is ridiculous. Their sits people with nowhere to live and nothing to call home.
I blame President Bush and FEMA for their tremendous lack of response. I wonder if they lost everything they owned in a natural disaster and had no place to live, no money, no job, no food, no clothing, no transportation, if things wouldn't be different. I bet those FEMA trailers would be set up, without question and the debris hauled off at first light. Maybe they should put themselves in someone else's shoes for a while. As my mom says, "it will come back to bite you." It very well may.
I've been on my soap box way to long. I've got to leave and go to Hartselle.
Have a safe day! Pray for those suffering today.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Sugar and spice and everything that glitters?
I can't believe it. I hear it raining outside! It hasn't rained around these parts in a really long time. The grass is dry, corn crops destoryed, and the drainage ditches look dusty. I love when it rains at night. That is such sweet sleeping weather.
I only have to work -3- days this week. I'm off Thursday and Friday. Then next week, I've got Labor Day and the next day off. A well deserved break from the same ole grind. I've got a dinner meeting with my boss Tuesday night to talk about contract negotiations. It's hard to believe my contract is up in a few weeks. I'll keep you posted.
A friend of mine from church told me tonight she is having gastric bypass surgery. Personally, that is not a choice I would want to make. I would rather leave off the bread, pasta, sweet tea and junk than to have my stomach laid open then sewen back into the size of a cashew nut. I love carbonated beverages and hamburgers too much to change my eating plan to 3 ounces of protein shake every meal. I admire her for wanting to drop the weight.
Hope everyone has a terrific week. I'll blog more later.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Better Late Than Never???
I love to read a good book. Mary Higgins Clark is one of my favorites. I'm reading "While My Pretty One Sleeps" right now. I'm trying to read all of her best sellers. I get so engrossed in her books that I stay up late reading then have trouble getting up for work the next morning. Prime example. I was off Monday. I ready past midnight and when the alarm clock went off this morning, it hurt!
I remember when I was a kid, my mother wouldn't let me watch "Dallas." Back then, the show was not fit to watch (I remember sneaking into the hallway while my dad was watching it just to steal a glimpse of JR Ewing). Today, "Dallas" is considered clean compared to the trash on cable. "Dallas" is in re-runs on the Soap Network. I get tickled when I flip over to watch. That used to be such a cool show. So did "The Dukes of Hazard." I can't stand to watch it now and wonder what I ever saw in Bo and Luke Duke in my younger days. hahahah!
I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream!
Check out my cat
Monday, August 21, 2006
Peace sweet peace
When all else fails, read the instructions
Big Blue Pepsi Machine...

It's a cool ride, really. Its equipped with editing equipment, a computer, a coffee pot for all those caffiene lovers, monitors, sound board, comfy chairs, etc. We can do everything out of this truck, from storm chasing to live shots.
Mr. Clean, Mr. Clean...
I'm watching the "Fantasia Barrino Story" on Lifetime. She won the 2004 American Idol contest. She is not one of my favorite singers. However, I admire her drive and determination. She came from nothing and turned out a star.
Tomorrow night, I have a date with 3 of the sweetest kids you'll ever meet! My nephews Brad and John and my niece Mary Beth and I are going out for ice cream! Brad is very smart. He'll turn 10 in December. John has the prettiest blue eyes and blonde hair. He just turned 5. And Miss Mary Beth, the baby, is the toughest --and sweetest -- little girl you'll ever meet. She is 3. I'm a very lucky aunt. They are terrific children!
For all of you keeping up with Momma Kitty's progress, she's doing much better. However, she got in trouble with mom. Not only does she like climbing the screen with her sharp little claws, she's eating everything in sight. She really likes her new home. I was afraid she might run away at first, mom says no chance of it now. She's hooked on 3 cans of cat food a day.
Hope all is well with everyone!
Friday, August 18, 2006
"I've Been Everywhere Man"
Small town Hamilton in North Alabama is making news headlines -again-! Hamilton, for those of you who don't know, is a hop, skip and jump from Haleyville (where I grew up). It appears John Mark Karr got his start being a "bad boy, bad boy" right here in the great state of Alabama. We really know how to raise 'em right! I wonder, though, if he really killed JonBenet Ramsey. My money was always on Patsy. I find it ironic that 2 months after her death, this new information comes to light. Hmmmmm...
Kitty cat update...I'm happy to report that Momma Cat is doing well. She is eating 3 meals a day and sleeping the rest of the time. She is in good hands with my mom and dad. By the time I see her again, she should be well on her way to becoming a poster child for obese pets.
Today is Friday. Normally, I'm thrilled to have made it to another weekend. However, I have to work Saturday. I'm filling in at the anchor desk. That's not like reporting where you are out all day running around in the heat begging toothless people for an interview. I can sit back some and relax. What I need to do is wash clothes and clean house. I'll do that Monday. I'm off that day.
Ok. So the pictures aren't posted yet. That is my weekend project. Time people!! I haven't had time!
Hope all is well...
More later.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Home Sweet Home...
Here's a funny story. My camera guy, Juergen and I were on our way back to Selmer Monday. We were chugging along at a pretty good clip when the police caught us speeding through Cherokee. Juergen pulled over on the side of the highway. The cop walked up to the window, asked for his license and registration. Now, we are driving a white Ford Taurus with "Heart of The Valley" and WAFF-48 painted all over the car. Did he really think we stole it or that the station decided not to register the car? If I wanted to drive around in a stolen car, it wouldn't be one that used to have a peacock painted on the hood. Anyway, he informed us that Juergen was driving 82 in a 55. He also said we should slow down because they have a problem with deer running out in front of cars. Mr. Policeman didn't seem very interested in the fact that thousands of cars a day drive through that little bump in the road called Cherokee, Alabama. I digress. We are lucky he let us off with a warning -- and a sermon about deer.
I took pictures while we were in Selmer. As soon as I download them, I will post the pics on the website.
I hate to make this short and sweet but I'm tired. I will have much more to say tomorrow. Until then....may the force be with you.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Nine of the sweetest lives...
A few weeks ago, mom found some kittens living in a drainage culvert down the road from their house. Since the kittens obviously didn't belong to anyone and were starving, mom and I picked the ones we wanted to take home. Unfortunatly, the kitty cats had other plans. They weren't going to budge. So, Saturday night, we tried again. Little Gray and Calli decided to stay behind. Somehow, we lured Momma cat into coming home with us. I guess she was tired of living life in the ghetto. She's very sweet, a bit timid and so pitiful. I've never seen a skinny cat. We put her on a -3- meal a day plan and she seems to really like it. Hopefully, by the time I come back for a visit, she'll be fat and sassy.
Here is another cat story for you. Not long after we got back from "adopting" momma cat, I opened the door to my car and heard a noise. I looked up and there was a big gray cat stuck to the top of my driver's side seat. I screamed!!! The cat jumped, hit its head on the windshield, scratched the dash, then ran out the door. I have no idea how that animal got in my car. My windows were only cracked a few inches. Hopefully, I've discouraged it from visiting again.
I've got my digital camera working. I'll be posting pictures soon.
I'm sleepy. I've got a long day planned tomorrow. It's lights out for me.
More later...
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Mary, you are giving me a headache...
I got an email today from my dear friend Kristen. We've been friends since 6th grade! She's a beautiful and talented person. Her daughter is so pretty! I have to admit I haven't been the best friend. I don't call and often forget to email. Those of you who know me well, know the same thing happens to you. My work load keeps me tied down. Hmmmm....sounds like I need a new hobby :) So Kristen, here's to you! Hope all is well! I miss you dear friend! I will call next time I'm home. Promise!!
I'm stuffed. We just celebrated birthdays for the month of August. My grandmother cooked a huge meal complete with birthday cake (which I cannot eat). I feel like a bloated whale. Gross!
Anyone seen World Trade Center? I had mixed emotions about reliving that day. At first, I didn't want to see the movie. I'm glad I did. I liked the way it ended. I would recommend you see it with a box of Kleenex.
I hope everyone is happy, healthy and wise.
More later...
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
It must be said...
I realized today, this month marks 10 years since I graduated college. Wow! I feel old.
I just enjoyed a well-deserved 4 day weekend. I spent part of it in Haleyville visiting my parents and grandmother. It's so peaceful there. Where I live, I hear the constant buzz of cars speeding by and loud stereos blasting some off beat wrap music. Sometimes, I hear gun fire, followed by a scream. I always wonder if someone is shooting a gun in the air or at another person. It used to scare me but I've tripped over so many dead bodies the last 6 years, I just roll over and go back to sleep. I often refer to this neighborhood as "Little Vietnam."
Have I mentioned its H-O-T outside? It tickles me that the television stations here in Huntsville go all out to cover the heat. This is summer time. Sweat is supposed to roll off your forehead and drip down your leg. I'm out in the weather alot. I try not to let it bother me (mind over matter. mind over matter). Today,though, I had to use my Christmas dish towel I carry in my bag, to wipe away the persperation. Just becase it says Merry Christmas doesn't mean it cooled me off any.
Just another typical day in my life...
More later!