Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It must be said...

I truly enjoy reading blogs on the internet. I have a few sites in my bookmark that I check on a regular basis. It's a great way to keep up with friends who live far off. I can pull up photos and read what's going on in there lives. I've been meaning to set up an account for months. But like so many other good intentions in my life, I'm just now getting around to it. My mother calls me the world's biggest procrastinator. I think my dad owns that title. haha!

I realized today, this month marks 10 years since I graduated college. Wow! I feel old.

I just enjoyed a well-deserved 4 day weekend. I spent part of it in Haleyville visiting my parents and grandmother. It's so peaceful there. Where I live, I hear the constant buzz of cars speeding by and loud stereos blasting some off beat wrap music. Sometimes, I hear gun fire, followed by a scream. I always wonder if someone is shooting a gun in the air or at another person. It used to scare me but I've tripped over so many dead bodies the last 6 years, I just roll over and go back to sleep. I often refer to this neighborhood as "Little Vietnam."

Have I mentioned its H-O-T outside? It tickles me that the television stations here in Huntsville go all out to cover the heat. This is summer time. Sweat is supposed to roll off your forehead and drip down your leg. I'm out in the weather alot. I try not to let it bother me (mind over matter. mind over matter). Today,though, I had to use my Christmas dish towel I carry in my bag, to wipe away the persperation. Just becase it says Merry Christmas doesn't mean it cooled me off any.

Just another typical day in my life...
More later!

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