Monday, September 25, 2006

Baby, its cold outside...

At least when the sun goes down. My friend Emily and I found that out the hard way Sunday night. I worked my annual 2 hour mandatory celebrity appearance at Big Spring Jam. I signed a ton of autographs and had my picture made with crazed stalking fans. You would be surprised what a person would do for a black and white glossy of there favorite tv personality. I don't even want to think about what they do with those pictures when they get home.

You can tell its getting close to Halloween. The horror movie previews are already on television. I've never been a fan of flicks like "The Texas Chainsaw Masacre" or "Freddy Kruger." My friend Kristen loves scary movies. When I would spend the night with her when we were younger, she would pop one of those haunted movies in and we would stay up all night watching. I couldn't sleep for a week!

There is a pretty awesome haunted house at the old Limestone County Jail that is supposed to scare you right out of your underwear. I was reading about it online last week. The myth is the old jail is haunted by inmates who have been killed or died while behind bars. Jailers have told me before they moved to the new location, that they were scared to death at night because they would hear blood curdling screams and when they went to check on where it was coming from, there was nobody around. The haunted house is sponsored by the Athens Police Department as a fund-raiser. They've been working on it for months. I bet it will be bone chilling frightening knowing those guys. As for me, I'll read about it in the reviews. haha!

Its almost 10:00 and I need to wash dishes and call it a night.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday...

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