Saturday, November 04, 2006

Mystery Trip....part 2

Sorry its taken so long to add part 2 of my trip to Little Rock, Arkansas. Here it is!

The next morning, we got up, showered and ate breakfast at the hotel. I had a toasted bagle with cream cheese and grape jelly, a cup of hot chocolate, and a swig of apple juice. Mother had a homemade waffle with syrup. Here is pic of the view from our hotel room.
After breakfast, we loaded up on the bus for a 2 hour tour. Our guide, Venita, really knew her way around. She shared many interesting facts with us. One stop on our tour included the The Old State House which was once the Capitol building of Arkansas. Another stop on our tour was to Little Rock's Central High School, where Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus joined local whites in resisting integration by dispatching the Arkansas National Guard to block nine black students from entering the school. President Dwight Eisenhower responded by sending federal troops to protect the students. When eight of the nine black students successfully completed the school year, they showed America that black students could and would endure the intense hatred that racist white students could dump on them. This is The Capitol Building. It was built over a century ago as a replica of the White House and has been used in many movies as a stand in.
These are just a few of the sites we saw. Part 3 is next so stay tuned.

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