Sunday, June 06, 2010

Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

It's growing-all thanks to a heavy fertilizing-with rich, dark cow manure. I noticed my garden was a bit lack luster a few weeks ago. My grandma, when she was able to plant crops, always put down a load of chicken manure on her plants. Her gardens would thrive.

The man at the co-op, even at my dirtest, recognized me from the news. When I asked for 3-50 pound bags of manure, he seemed quiet perplexed. I told him I wanted cow manure to work into my garden. Its gentler on plants than chicken fertilizer. He asked me if I knew much about manure and I told him where I come from its considered black gold :)

He loaded 3 heavy bags of the stuff in my car and I took off for the garden. I worked ALL DAY spreading cow crap in my vegetable garden. It was back breaking, knee grinding, sweaty work but in just a few short days my plants were exploding with green leaves and blooms.

I chose block style gardening. It makes it easier to hoe weeds plus everything has clean lines and looks neater. I've planted flowers, broccoli (which is bait for pests and worms at the moment), squash, cantelope, watermelon, peppers and tomatoes. I'm very proud to say things are looking great.

Here are a few pictures of my hopeful harvest. Note: I planted my garden a little later. I should have produce through late summer. :)

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