Monday, June 07, 2010

The 4 pound challenge...

This week I lost 0 pounds but on the flip side of that coin, at least I didn't gain! My boss issed me a 4 pound challenge for the week. So its back to the grind with the Biggest Loser competition.

I've also been banished from my mother's house until after August 9th, when the competition ends. Apparently I ate like a race horse the 2 1/2 days I spent there. To my defense, let me say I exercised. I did everything from walking to fishing to paddle boat to plumbing. I tried to burn off all the excess calories I took in. My sweet mother is such a wonderful cook. I can't resist the meals she prepares, especially breakfast. Fried ham, sausage, biscuits, eggs, grits, and fruit. Sooo yummy!

I did cut the calories on Friday when we made 2 batches of homemade ice cream. Mom made Butterfinger. I made sugar-free strawberry. I could have stuck my head in the ice cream bucket and ate my way back out. Wait. I think I did. That strawberry was so good. Nice to know diabetics can have ice cream too...without the added sugar.

So...when I weigh again I am hoping 4 pounds will be sliced off the scales.

Green Team if you are reading this...good luck this week! Hope you are staying strong.

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