I'm no Julie Andrews but Saturday I felt the hills were very much alive...with anything but the sound of music! More like screams of fear and gasps of total exhaustion :)
We started our 6 mile hike at 8:00 Saturday morning. The weather was cool and foggy. It had rained the night before so everything was soaked--making the ground very muddy and slippery. At first, things went smoothly. A few jagged rocks and downed trees but nothing too bad. Then, things started to go down hill...literally. I was like a cat dodging rocking chairs. I was jumping from one slick rock to another, turning my ankle over a dozen times, falling into the mud, sitting on my rear end and scooting down wet rocks, grabbing trees, twigs anything along the way to hold my balance. At one point, I thought I might crack my head open or fall off the side of the cliff. I had HEMSI Search and Rescue programmed into speed dial just in case.
Then things started to flatten out. For about a mile or so I was convinced I was going to be ok. Then the terrain changed, and we started our climb. At this point, I was pouring sweat out of my body. My hair, my clothes, my shoes were soaked. I pressed on, trying to prepare myself for what was ahead. The last thing I remember was passing one of my team members to get a move on climbing that never ending mountain, I now lovingly refer to as "heart attack hill.". I was so out of breath, my heart was racing, my vision became blurred and I swear I was talking out of my head. I stopped for a moment and had to mentally bring myself back to life. I was like the little engine that could...only I couldn't. I finally collected myself enough to slowly push my way through the pain, sweat and tears.
After 3 intense hours of pounding the ground, sucking down every once of water I could find in my back pack, the journey was over. Finally back to civilization. I can't believe I did it! I hiked 6+ miles and I didn't die!!! I quickly texted Lane and told him I made it. I called my parents to tell them I was alive. Nobody could believe that I had it in me...and neither did I!
As soon as I got to the car I felt instant pain....and relief to be sitting down. I got home, and just sat in my car wondering if I would have to crawl to my front door or muster the energy to walk. I took off my shoes, which at this point weighed about 40 pounds each. I drug myself to the shower and felt my muscles turn to Jello.
After some aches and pains over the weekend I will say the hurt was worth it. I LOST 4 POUNDS!
Green Team made a great showing Saturday.
Plans are to do a second hike in 2 weeks.
EG won't be attending. I've learned I have no skills and it was purely luck I didn't kill myslef :)
We started our 6 mile hike at 8:00 Saturday morning. The weather was cool and foggy. It had rained the night before so everything was soaked--making the ground very muddy and slippery. At first, things went smoothly. A few jagged rocks and downed trees but nothing too bad. Then, things started to go down hill...literally. I was like a cat dodging rocking chairs. I was jumping from one slick rock to another, turning my ankle over a dozen times, falling into the mud, sitting on my rear end and scooting down wet rocks, grabbing trees, twigs anything along the way to hold my balance. At one point, I thought I might crack my head open or fall off the side of the cliff. I had HEMSI Search and Rescue programmed into speed dial just in case.
Then things started to flatten out. For about a mile or so I was convinced I was going to be ok. Then the terrain changed, and we started our climb. At this point, I was pouring sweat out of my body. My hair, my clothes, my shoes were soaked. I pressed on, trying to prepare myself for what was ahead. The last thing I remember was passing one of my team members to get a move on climbing that never ending mountain, I now lovingly refer to as "heart attack hill.". I was so out of breath, my heart was racing, my vision became blurred and I swear I was talking out of my head. I stopped for a moment and had to mentally bring myself back to life. I was like the little engine that could...only I couldn't. I finally collected myself enough to slowly push my way through the pain, sweat and tears.
After 3 intense hours of pounding the ground, sucking down every once of water I could find in my back pack, the journey was over. Finally back to civilization. I can't believe I did it! I hiked 6+ miles and I didn't die!!! I quickly texted Lane and told him I made it. I called my parents to tell them I was alive. Nobody could believe that I had it in me...and neither did I!
As soon as I got to the car I felt instant pain....and relief to be sitting down. I got home, and just sat in my car wondering if I would have to crawl to my front door or muster the energy to walk. I took off my shoes, which at this point weighed about 40 pounds each. I drug myself to the shower and felt my muscles turn to Jello.
After some aches and pains over the weekend I will say the hurt was worth it. I LOST 4 POUNDS!
Green Team made a great showing Saturday.
Plans are to do a second hike in 2 weeks.
EG won't be attending. I've learned I have no skills and it was purely luck I didn't kill myslef :)
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