Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Be a Pepper Drink Dr. Pepper (Diet that is)

So the one thing, among many, that I have done away with for Biggest Loser is carbonated beverages. Today, though, I needed a caffiene boost to help shake the blah's. You can only drink so much water a day. I snuck a Diet Dr. Pepper from the vending machine at work (which is off limits to Green Team). I've taken a couple of sips out of it and I already feel a little better. :)

Here's to you Diet Dr. Pepper for helping me get through the hump day blues. You've perked me up a little and for that I say thank you!

Today's meal plan...

8 ounce Slim Fast

egg salad on whole grain tortilla
baked Cheetos
1/2 cup of sugar free chocolate pudding
3 slices of watermelon
1/2 cup cottage cheese with blueberries


Go Green Team!

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