Friday, February 18, 2011


So Sunday starts a new gig for me in the food department. My mother talked me into trying NutriSystem to get rid of about 30 unwanted pounds. At first, I was a bit skeptical but I'm actually looking forward to it. I will have a guaranteed, breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. No more trips to Subway for a few weeks or wondering what food I am going to grab "on the go." It's all taken care of.

The first shipment-my fresh frozen foods-arrived on Valentine's Day compliments of Schwan's Frozen Foods. It contained a large variety of frozen foods-many of which-look quiet tasty. The second shipment-my ready to go meals-got here yseterday. That's cererals, protein bars, snacks, etc. The best part of it is I can keep track of everything by smartphone and computer. So no excuse, right?

Before I go off the "real food" wagon, I plan to indulge Saturday in a gorgeous seafood dinner...salmon, shrimp, crab, potatoes, corn, cheddar biscuits. Lane is in charge of the salmon-he is king of grilling. I'm looking forward to stuffing myself until I am sick!

Obviously I will be blogging this new adventure. I hope its worth its weight in gold.

Stay tuned Sunday is just around the corner!

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