Tuesday, May 13, 2008

1 1/2 pounds lighter...

You are not supposed to weigh for 9 days but I am one of those people who just has to "be in the know." I've already lost a pound and a half. Not bad for a day's work :)

I got up early and cleaned house. That was my exercise for today. I washed clothes, ran the vacum, dusted, ironed, cleaned my kitchen and a few other odds and ends. Remember, keep moving! That's key to any successful health plan.

My day's menu:

Breakfast - 1 cup oatmeal with banana and strawberries
Lunch - salad from Steak Out with Ranch dressing (remember only 3 Tablespoons of fat a day)
snack - blueberry smoothie
dinner - 1 cup brown rice (Uncle Ben's 90 second kind), 1 cup cantaloupe and an apple

I'm full and quiet content. It helps to plan ahead and bring dinner. Do I miss my peanut butter, yes but I can live without it. Thanks Lane for the heads up. He told me peanut butter is what football players eat to fatten up. I'd make one heck of a line backer right now!!!! ha/ha Where do I sign up coach? :)

***important note***
The author of Fat Smash has put out an updated version of his book. It gives a little more information on the detox phase along with a few more sample menus. It's basically still the same format just slightly revised.

Happy eatings!

Today's food craving - scrambled egg sandwich on toasted bread

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