Monday, a school bus carrying some 40 Lee High School students went off an interstate overpass in Huntsville, plunging 30-feet to the ground below. Two teenage girls were killed. Two more died later at Huntsville Hospital. The bus driver was found lying on the interstate. He has a broken back and head injuries. An orange Celica may have caused the accident. Some witnesses say the driver got to close to the bus. Right now, investigators aren't saying what connection that car has with this wreck. Its so sad 4 families will be without there children on this Thanksgiving Day.

On a lighter note, I took my first helicopter ride Monday. Our assignment was to get aerial video of that bus crash. I've never flown before! I was determined to put my fear aside. I really enjoyed being in the air although the turbulance made our chopper feel like a basketball bouncing in the sky! You really can't appreciate God's handy work until you see it several thousand feet above.

Thank you Lydia for the delicious turkey day meal! She sent a plate of delicous ham, mashed potatoes, a deviled egg, congealed salad, green bean salad and sweet pototaes. Lydia is a great cook! That ham was so juicy and tender! I'm thankful to have a friend like you!
This Thanksgiving Day, be sure to tell your family you love them! Give them a big hug and kiss ! You never know when it may be your last time to be with them.
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!