It's nearly midnight. I've had a busy day. I got up and went to church. Then I drove to Madison to meet my brother, sister-in-law and the kids. We ate lunch at Bellicino's (yum) then went bicycle shopping. Unfortunately, we didn't find bikes for Brad or John. I know they were disappointed.
I had to pick up something at Wal-Mart to stick my tomatoe plants. I rigged up two slender wooden dowles on either side of each plant and fastened them with zip ties. My plants are nice and straight now. They look really good. I haven't set them outside yet because the birds like to pick the blooms off. I don't want to have to posion them (the plants) either. They are sitting in the window in my upstairs bedroom. Hopefully, they are getting enough sun to help them continue growing.
Finally I see green!!! My pepper plants are sprouting. Before long, I should have jalapenos, bell peppers and banana peppers.
I'm off Monday and Tuesday. I am trying to get caught up with a project and I needed some time away from work before Mary Winkler's trial. I've got plans Easter weekend so she better get a move on it!!! I don't see the point in wasting tax dollars for a trial. She admitted she shot her husband then left with the girls. She's not eligiable for the death penalty or life without so what does she have to worry about? She'll probably sale her story and make millions. I wonder who Hollywood would get to play the part?
My grandmother is in Birmingham having some heart tests run. She's having a few problems with her aortic valve. I sure hope she gets a good report but I'm worried the doctors might find something worse. She's a trooper that's for sure. In all my years, I've never heard my grandmother complain once about not feeling well. She broke her leg once and set it herself and somehow managed to get back home from the barn. She's a very independent woman with a head like concrete. I've been told I have that same hard head :) I'll never be the woman that she is, but I hope I have a little of her gutsy ways in my blood.
Hope everyone had a good weekend! More later...
A teacher once told my mother, "Your daughter will either be famous or infamous." I hope you enjoy reading my blog. The pictures, posts, and drama are all real.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thank's Uncle Sam...
I received my income tax check this morning! I used it to pay off a loan at the bank. Now the only "big" bill I have is my credit card. I should have that wittled down in no time. My goal is to owe only a car payment by the end of the year. I'll knock that one out after I pay off my credit card. Thank goodness for a good accountant and a sweet tax check!
Isn't the weather gorgeous?? I love the longer days and warm afternoons. I'm off Monday and Tuesday. I sure hope it stays just like this so I can enjoy some time outdoors.
I'm heading off to start my day. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!
Isn't the weather gorgeous?? I love the longer days and warm afternoons. I'm off Monday and Tuesday. I sure hope it stays just like this so I can enjoy some time outdoors.
I'm heading off to start my day. Hope you all have a wonderful Friday!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Another beautiful day the Lord has made...
It's so warm outside this morning! I raised the windows so my tomato and pepper plants could get some sunshine. I have to keep them indoors because the birds will eat the blooms if I set them outside. Of course, leaving them in front of the window cuts down on the direct sunlight but they seem to be doing just fine.
Get out and enjoy the day!
Get out and enjoy the day!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Aaaaaaaaaaa chew!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
"We Track Storms"
That's our weather motto at 48. These pictures were taken the day Enterprise High School was destroyed by a tornado. Of course, we were were not there. Instead, Juergen, Kevin and I were sent to Moulton because our mets thought the weather would get rough there after hitting the Shoals. It didn't but it was a great way to waste a day!!!
I took this photo at the Moulton Car Wash.
I took this photo at the Moulton Car Wash.
Kevin snapped this photo of me just as I am going on air to talk about the lack of bad weather where we were set up. ha ha
This is my camera guy, Juergen. He is sitting in the truck waiting for the "big one" to blow through. Yes, I'm being sarcastic.This is Kevin. He's a photog in Huntsville. He brought us a live truck and operated our video and reports for us. As you can see, we all get along just peachy.
Welcome to Brindlee Mountain...
I haven't posted pictures in a few months. I wanted to clear out my camera so I decided to download a few and share them with you.
This old concrete mixer greets visitors headed up Brindlee Mountain in Morgan County. We were coming back from Union Hill Elementary School and stopped to take a snap shot. I don't think I've ever seen something like this before. An interesting marketing concept don't you think?

This old concrete mixer greets visitors headed up Brindlee Mountain in Morgan County. We were coming back from Union Hill Elementary School and stopped to take a snap shot. I don't think I've ever seen something like this before. An interesting marketing concept don't you think?

Saturday, March 10, 2007
Catching up after a busy week...
Ok. Ok. I know its been a while since my last blog post. I've been so busy lately, I haven't had time to sit down and update my site. I've got a few projects going on outside of work that's keeping me tied up and stressed out. More on that later.
My grandmother caught gardening fever so she had my dad break ground. I've got the bug too. Today I went to Wal-Mart and bought 2 handsome tomatoe plants. I know, last year's tomato project turned out to be a disaster. That's because the soil was bad. I hope these 2 do a lot better. I also potted jalapeno peppers, bell peppers and a mix of peppers. I use them to make fresh salsa. What's left I make homemade spaghetti sauce and freeze for the winter. I really wish I had a backyard that was grass not concrete so i could have more vegetables. Maybe that will happen soon.
Mom and dad came up this evening and we met in Moulton for supper. It was so good seeing them. Really made my day. My sweet daddy is over his kidney stones but now he's suffering with after affects from being put to sleep. He's going to the doctor Monday. I hope they find out what is causing him to cough and shake so badly. I don't like to see my parents sick. That's really hard for me to take. I love my mom and dad and want to keep them around forever.
Don't forget to spring forward. I'm so glad it will be light when I get off work. That means I can spend more time outdoors before bedtime.
Happy weekend ya'll. Enjoy while you can. Monday will be here shortly.
My grandmother caught gardening fever so she had my dad break ground. I've got the bug too. Today I went to Wal-Mart and bought 2 handsome tomatoe plants. I know, last year's tomato project turned out to be a disaster. That's because the soil was bad. I hope these 2 do a lot better. I also potted jalapeno peppers, bell peppers and a mix of peppers. I use them to make fresh salsa. What's left I make homemade spaghetti sauce and freeze for the winter. I really wish I had a backyard that was grass not concrete so i could have more vegetables. Maybe that will happen soon.
Mom and dad came up this evening and we met in Moulton for supper. It was so good seeing them. Really made my day. My sweet daddy is over his kidney stones but now he's suffering with after affects from being put to sleep. He's going to the doctor Monday. I hope they find out what is causing him to cough and shake so badly. I don't like to see my parents sick. That's really hard for me to take. I love my mom and dad and want to keep them around forever.
Don't forget to spring forward. I'm so glad it will be light when I get off work. That means I can spend more time outdoors before bedtime.
Happy weekend ya'll. Enjoy while you can. Monday will be here shortly.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Quick update on family sick list...
My dad had his kidney stones crushed last Friday. He's doing much better and seems to be out of pain. My grandmother is doing good too. My other grandmother is well. My mom's kidney problem is clearning up and my niece and nephews are fine as frog hair :)
I have pictures to post from Thursday's severe storms. No. We didn't have anything more than rain in North Alabama but we had a good time goofing the day away. I'll download those tonight. Its so sad what happened in Enterprise. I can't imagine going through a storm like that. Our sister station WSFA in Montgomery captured some tearful stories. Keep those people in your prayers.
Hope all is well!
I have pictures to post from Thursday's severe storms. No. We didn't have anything more than rain in North Alabama but we had a good time goofing the day away. I'll download those tonight. Its so sad what happened in Enterprise. I can't imagine going through a storm like that. Our sister station WSFA in Montgomery captured some tearful stories. Keep those people in your prayers.
Hope all is well!
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