Growing up I was a big fan of the sitcom "Good Times." I liked JJ, as most people. He was sooo funny with his quick wit and famous one liner-- Dynomite!
Today, I met a whole new generation of what I call JJ Walker's. This guy looked a lot like him in body structure but was entirely different beast. Let me explain.
We were sent out on an assignment to cover a burglary where a man broke into an apartment in the projects and crawled in bed with the woman sleeping there. The brother, who reminds me of JJ, tried to help his sister but was just a bit too, well, feminine to do much more than pull hair. Anyway, we didn't have an exact address and happen to see a group standing outside. We stopped and I asked if they knew the person. Bingo! It was the place where the attack happened. The victim talked on camera and so did her brother :)
I knew he was a character as soon as he opened his mouth. He had on a red do-rag, had long thick nails, a wife beater and shorts on and, here's the best part, a pair of pink hiking boots with a bling type buckle on the side. I felt like I needed a hepatitis shot just standing next to him. Anyway, he was hysterical with his snaps and quirks and girly type threats! I tried not to laugh at him during the interview because he could have scratched my baby blue eyes out with his cat like nails. Despite his confusing gender, he was nice to us and we were able to turn 2 good stories out of it.
JJ Walker is a thing of the past but I feel certain the guy I met today has a future in sitcom comedy! Thanks for the laugh!
endmy friends and I wondered how you reported that with such a straight face...and we also said that it had to be so much fun in the cutting room getting this story ready to air! Thanks for the laugh Elizabeth!!!
How do you feel about him now?
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