Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And the crowd cheers with anticipation...

Ok maybe not so much. Its been WAY too long since my last post. I know that because Lane reminded me that I have neglected my fans. Honestly, I think he's the only one who reads this thing. I often think of posting but by the time I remember to do so, its time to go home. I don't want to log on to my computer then.

I have many things to post so give me time. I promise to get er done!


John said...

Your fanbase may be fading, but it's far from gone... your blogging may not be breaking any records, and we may not be hanging on to your every last word... still, we do love to hear about your life and thoughts! So, how's the diet? And the news business? It's been a while since I've heard anything...

tommy said...

You could post so your Dad can keep up with his girl. Have you lost your Cell Phone? I still have mine and it works to..