Hope everyone who is still faithful to read this abandoned blog page had a Happy Thanksgiving!! My apologies for not keeping in touch for so long. Not sure why I've neglected my blogging duties other than I've been super busy the past few months.
As usual, I worked Thanksgiving and the day after. Nothing spectacular going on unless you count the guy shot in the nipple by his best friend after a beer brawl. That happened Thanksgiving night. He's going to live but I feel sorry for the Med-Flight crew that had to work on him. One of the paramedics told me he stunk of alcohol so badly it was making them sick to stabalize him. ha/ha Ladies and gentlemen, morons like that is the reason I get a pay check every 2 weeks.
I spent the weekend with my family enjoying some post turkey day treats. Mom had one more spread on the dining room table. Everything from turkey and boston butt to mashed potatoes, corn and sweets. Very delicious!! My brother, sister-in-law,nephew and myself played "Rook" and "UNO" for hours. It was soooo much fun!! Afterwards, I went to Kristen's house to visit and watch the Iron Bowl. That game stunk!!! Of course Bama lost. Shocker (not)! I had a great time visiting with my oldest and dearest best friend in the world!
Christmas time is nearing and I have bought NOTHING!! I know what I am going to buy at least 2 members of my family but that's it. Will I get anything accomplished in the shopping field this weekend? Probably not. I don't enjoy the crowds and I have a baby shower to attend Saturday.
December promises to be a very busy month. Mom and I are going to Tennessee the 7th for the "Freed Hardeman Benefit Dinner" featuring Tom Brokaw as guest speaker. I am SOOOOO excited! He's a favorite anchor personality of mine. The 8th is our WAFF-48 Christmas Party which promises good times! My sister-in-law's annual Christmas Cookie Swap is the 9th. Also scheduled for the month, a surprise for my grandmother the weekend of the 16th and the usual Gentle cousin's Christmas.
Speaking of surprise, my brother and I put together and printed a cookbook for my grandmother as a surprise for Christmas. The project turned out super professional. My hats off to Allied Photo in Huntsville for doing such a fantastic job printing and laminating the cover. It's over 200 pages of stories, recipes and family memories. I am really, really happy with the end product.
I'm still working that crazy split schedule and loving it! I like the fact that I have free time on Monday and Tuesday to run errunds. Really makes a difference when I need to get things done.
I promise to do a better job posting to this site. Hope you all had a terrific holiday!!!